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172 results

  • Climate Emergency (Phase 5) - Business and Industry

    Let's Work Together to Tackle and Adapt to Climate Change (Phase 5) Business and Industry In June 2019 Perth & Kinross Council declared support for the Scottish Government and UK Parliaments’ climate emergency statements. The Council committed to work with citizens and other stakeholders in setting out a route map to a low carbon and climate resilient Perth and Kinross. The Interim Climate Emergency Report and Action Plan is the first stage in this... More
    Opened 30 October 2020
  • Climate Emergency (Phase 4) - Transport

    Let's Work Together to Tackle and Adapt to Climate Change (Phase 4) Transport In June 2019 Perth & Kinross Council declared support for the Scottish Government and UK Parliaments’ climate emergency statements. The Council committed to work with citizens and other stakeholders in setting out a route map to a low carbon and climate resilient Perth and Kinross. The Interim Climate Emergency Report and Action Plan is the first stage in this journey. It is an... More
    Opened 28 October 2020
  • Climate Emergency (Phase 3) - Land Use

    Let's Work Together to Tackle and Adapt to Climate Change (Phase 3) Land Use In June 2019 Perth & Kinross Council declared support for the Scottish Government and UK Parliaments’ climate emergency statements. The Council committed to work with citizens and other stakeholders in setting out a route map to a low carbon and climate resilient Perth and Kinross. The Interim Climate Emergency Report and Action Plan is the first stage in this journey. It is an... More
    Opened 19 October 2020
  • Climate Emergency (Phase 2) - Energy and Buildings

    Let's Work Together to Tackle and Adapt to Climate Change (Phase 2) Energy and Buildings In June 2019 Perth & Kinross Council declared support for the Scottish Government and UK Parliaments’ climate emergency statements. The Council committed to work with citizens and other stakeholders in setting out a route map to a low carbon and climate resilient Perth and Kinross. The Interim Climate Emergency Report and Action Plan is the first stage in this journey.... More
    Opened 14 October 2020
  • Let's Work Together to Tackle and Adapt to Climate Change (Phase 1)

    In June 2019 Perth & Kinross Council declared support for the Scottish Government and UK Parliaments’ climate emergency statements. The Council committed to work with citizens and other stakeholders in setting out a route map to a low carbon and climate resilient Perth & Kinross. The Interim Climate Emergency Report and Action Plan is the first stage in this journey. It is an interim document and forms the basis to start the conversation with our national and local... More
    Opened 9 October 2020
  • Perth & Blairgowrie Taxi Unmet Demand

    Perth & Kinross Council have commissioned a taxi unmet demand survey and are seeking your feedback regarding your view of taxi services. These surveys are undertaken periodically and are paid for by taxi owners as part of their licensing fee. Licensed vehicles fulfil a vital role in our society and this is an opportunity to tell us what is good about taxi services or whether you feel that there are any aspects that could be improved, or any measures which would enable... More
    Opened 23 September 2020
  • Perth Harbour Directions

    Perth & Kinross Council as Harbour Authority proposes to make pilotage directions relating to piloting of ships on the River Tay, between Dundee and Perth. The effect of the directions shall be to ensure the safe passage of all vessels within Perth Harbour, to preserve the safety of persons, property and the environment. More
    Opened 3 September 2020
  • Review of Adult Social Work & Social Care Contributions Policy

    Perth & Kinross Council is undertaking a review its Adult Social Work & Social Care Contributions Policy. This policy is the basis on which the Council completes financial assessments in order to determine how much people are asked to pay towards their non-residential care and support services at home. These services include day care, telecare, supported living (including sheltered housing) and short breaks/flexible respite. Proposals that could affect the amount some... More
    Opened 24 August 2020
  • Perth and Kinross Economic Wellbeing Plan

    The Covid-19 Business Support Task Force was established in March 2020 to coordinate partnership support and advice to local businesses trying to cope with the very difficult current circumstances and also to help plan for recovery. The Task Force comprises the Council, Perthshire Chamber of Commerce, the Federation of Small Businesses, Business Gateway, GrowBiz, the Perthshire Tourism Group and the Perth Traders Association. The Task Force has developed a draft Economic... More
    Opened 21 August 2020
  • Perth & Kinross Business Barometer Survey 2

    Following the first Business Barometer issued in May, the Perth and Kinross Covid-19 Business Support Task Force would like to gather additional information about the effects of Covid-19 on your business and the subsequent changes you have made. We will use the information gathered to inform our local Economic Recovery Plan and to help re-shape our economic development services with partners going forward. By contributing, you are helping us to... More
    Opened 14 August 2020
  • How has the Coronavirus pandemic affected you?

    To help everyone recover from the impacts of the COVID 19 virus, Perth & Kinross Council are embarking on a programme of recovery and renewal. We need to learn from the experiences of the pandemic and build an ever better Perth and Kinross with the people who live, work and invest here. We want to develop a stronger economy and become a more sustainable and prosperous place to live and work. To do this, we have to understand the impacts of the Coronavirus (COVID-19)... More
    Opened 24 June 2020
  • Perth & Kinross Business Barometer Survey

    Perth & Kinross Council established a Covid-19 Business Support Task Force in early March to coordinate partnership support and advice to local businesses trying to cope with the very difficult current circumstances, and also to help plan for recovery. The Task Force currently comprises the Council, Perthshire Chamber of Commerce, the Federation of Small Businesses, Business Gateway, Growbiz, the Perthshire Tourism Group and the Perth Traders Association. More
    Opened 20 May 2020
  • Tayside Strategy for Parents; Draft Delivery Plan 2020

    The Tayside Strategy for Parents aims to achieve a vision: ‘Everyone who has or will have a parenting role is able to secure positive futures for themselves and their families’. It is a commitment from the partner organisations in Tayside that deliver services for children, young people and families to work with parents to improve the information, services, communities and policies that support families. The strategy was developed in... More
    Opened 8 March 2020
  • Crieff Air Quality Community Engagement

    Crieff High Street corridor was identified as an area where national air quality objectives were exceeded in 2014, resulting in an Air Quality Management Area being declared. Due to a combination of heavy traffic on the A85 and tall buildings either side of the narrow corridor, a canyon effect prevents air pollutants from dispersing. Following the declaration of an Air Quality Management Area, the Local Authority must develop an Air Quality Action Plan aimed... More
    Opened 29 February 2020
  • Perth & Kinross Offer - Equalities Conversations

    This consultation comprises of a series of conversations with equality-protected groups in Perth and Kinross. Touching on a range of topics from public transport and feeling safe to social contact and natural space, we want to: hear about people’s experiences understand what’s important to people think about ways we can work together to make Perth and Kinross better for everyone. More
    Opened 24 February 2020
  • Draft Delivery of Development Sites Template

    Policy 23: Delivery of Development Sites of the Perth & Kinross Local Development Plan 2 requires all landowners and / or developers to produce a Delivery Strategy for all sites allocated in the Plan and for residential windfall sites of 10+ dwellings. This Delivery of Development Sites Template sets out a template to help landowners and / or developers to comply with this requirement. More
    Opened 21 February 2020
  • Loch Leven Special Protection Area and Ramsar Site Guidance

    The Loch Leven Special Protection Area and Ramsar Site Guidance relates to the protection of the Loch Leven Catchment Area. Loch Leven is designated as a Special Protection Area (SPA) and RAMSAR site. SPA and RAMSAR sites are internationally important wildlife sites. The guidance provides advice on the implementation of Policy 46 in the Local Development Plan 2. It descibes the steps new development must take to protect the loch and setting out the information to be provided in... More
    Opened 17 February 2020
  • Lunan Valley Area Dunkeld - Blairgowrie Lochs Special Area of Conservation Guidance

    The Lunan Valley Area Dunkeld - Blairgowrie Lochs Special Area of Conservation Guidanc e relates to the protection of the catchment which is designated as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC). SACs are the highest wildlife designations and are part of the Natura 2000 network - a series of internationally important wildlife sites throughout the European Union. The guidance provides advice on the types developments that may impact the SAC and sets out the types of information and... More
    Opened 17 February 2020
  • River Tay Special Area of Conservation (SAC) Guidance

    The River Tay Special Area of Conservation (SAC) Guidance relates to the protection of the River Tay Special Area of Conservation catchment. SACs are the highest wildlife designations and are part of the Natura 2000 network - a series of internationally important wildlife sites throughout the European Union. The guidance provides advice on the types developments that may impact the SAC and sets out the types of information and safeguards to be provided in support of planning... More
    Opened 17 February 2020
  • Draft Financial Guarantees for Minerals Development Supplementary Guidance

    The draft Financial Guarantees for Minerals Development Supplementary Guidance sets out detailed advice about the range of financial guarantees that may be used to secure restoration of minerals sites. The consultation is aimed at owners and operators of minerals developments, solicitors, agents and staff who work on preparing planning applications. More
    Opened 3 February 2020
  • 1-5 High Street, Perth; Proposed reuse of former Council Chambers and Justice of the Peace Court within hotel development

    1-5 High Street in Perth City Centre is part of Perth & Kinross Council's property portfolio. Parts of the building were historically used as the Council Chambers and Justice of the Peace Court. They therefore have Common Good status. The Council wishes to consult the local community to inform taking any decision on the disposal and re-use of the asset. This is part of the requirement set out in the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015. We are... More
    Opened 30 January 2020
  • Future Policy Development of Sexual Entertainment Venues

    Recently, the Scottish Government passed legislation giving Local Authorities a discretionary power to licence Sexual Entertainment Venues. This consultation and evidence gathering process is undertaken to seek views on the licensing and regulation of Sexual Entertainment Venues, with the purpose of determining whether Sexual Entertainment Venues should be licensed within Perth and Kinross. More
    Opened 16 January 2020
  • Perth & Kinross Council Budget Consultation 2020/21

    Like all councils, we are preparing for very significant financial challenges ahead. Inflation has pushed up the prices we pay for supplies such as fuel, as well as wages. The funding we receive has not kept pace with this inflation. There is also more demand on our services than ever before as we work to support a growing older population. There are increasing restrictions on the areas where we can make savings. Some of our funding is protected (only allowed to be spent on... More
    Opened 6 January 2020
  • Inclusion - Partners Consultation

    Inclusion is the cornerstone to help us achieve equity and excellence in education for all our children and young people. It is our vision that every child and young person in Perth and Kinross has access to a quality education that meets their needs. Some children and young people require additional support to do this. Our aim is that all children and young people will be Present Supported and nurtured Participating ... More
    Opened 9 December 2019
  • Coupar Angus Town Hall

    Coupar Angus Town Hall has recently been closed over a short period for essential maintenance work. Over the next five years significant funding is required to bring the Town Hall up to acceptable standards. In these times of budgetary constraints, Perth & Kinross Council is reviewing all community halls for which it has responsibility. These reviews will assess whether the funding required for repair is money well spent. With this in mind, we are conducting a short survey to gather basic... More
    Opened 22 November 2019
  • Rent Level Options for 2020/21

    We are giving Perth & Kinross Council tenants the chance to vote on the level of rent you will pay for 2020/21. More
    Opened 31 October 2019
  • Perth City Public Space CCTV

    Perth & Kinross Council’s CCTV is now outdated and becoming more difficult and expensive to maintain. As a result Perth & Kinross Council has secured funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). These funds will be used to: support the upgrade of current cameras; support the upgrade of recording & management systems; improve/futureproof the connectivity of image data feeds to monitoring, recording & management systems. ... More
    Opened 4 October 2019
  • Food Growing Strategy Consultation

    The Scottish Government has set out a vision that by 2025 Scotland will be “a Good Food Nation, where people from every walk of life take pride and pleasure in, and benefit from, the food they produce, buy, cook, serve, and eat each day.” The Council has a statutory duty, set out in the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015, to prepare a Food Growing Strategy that identifies potentially suitable land for allotments and other food growing areas. There is also a specific... More
    Opened 1 October 2019
  • Reporting Our Performance

    Perth & Kinross Council are seeking feedback on our performance reporting and Annual Performance Report 2018/19. More
    Opened 18 September 2019
  • Local Housing Consultation - Blairgowrie

    Rural Housing Scotland , on behalf of Perth and Kinross Council, are looking to find out what kind of affordable housing is needed in Blairgowrie. Rural Housing Scotland are a charity which aims to help create more affordable housing options within rural communities. More
    Opened 10 September 2019
172 results. Page 5 of 6