Climate Change

Perth & Kinross Council make decisions that affect our communities. That's why we want your thoughts and input to help with those decisions by getting involved on our Climate Consultation Hub. This platform allows everyone to contribute towards the decision-making process, and your responses inform action. You can keep up to date with new engagement activity by subscribing to our mailing list and by following us on Facebook or Twitter.

Perth & Kinross Climate Action

In June 2019 Perth & Kinross Council declared support for the Scottish Government and UK Parliaments’ climate emergency statements. The Council committed to work with citizens and other stakeholders in setting out a route map to a low carbon and climate resilient Perth and Kinross.

On the 15th of December 2021 Councillors unanimously backed the Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan, which sets out how Perth and Kinross will reach net zero carbon emissions by 2045. Our Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan identifies eight thematic areas. Transport, Land Use, Energy & Buildings, Waste, Business & Industry, Resilience, Education and Engagement, and Governance.

The strategy also highlights how we will reduce the impact of climate change on communities and how residents and businesses are vital to creating a sustainable future. The Strategy is guided by the following principles:

  • Achieving Net Zero aligned with the Paris Agreement and Scottish Government targets by 2045, if not before
  • Building a more resilient Perth and Kinross
  • Ensuring climate change action is fair and the transition to a green economy benefits all
  • Enhancing biodiversity
  • Engaging young people and empowering them to take action against climate change
  • Empowering businesses and communities to take climate action in line with the Perth and Kinross Offer

The Strategy will be supported by the creation of a Perth and Kinross Climate Change Commission, which councillors approved earlier this year. This will bring together businesses, community groups, individuals and young people to scrutinise the strategy and support its implementation.

Give us your views on climate related activities

Take action and have your say. Help protect the environment and ensure we become a net zero and resilient Perth and Kinross.

Refurbishment of Legion Park, Comrie

We look after over 160 play areas across the region, from large facilities at our major parks to rural and local play areas right on your doorstep. Legion Park in Comrie has now come to the top of our list and to make improvements which suit everybody's needs, we're asking you to take part in our small survey and consultation.

Closes 15 September 2024

Meigle Community Orchard

Take a Pride in Meigle have recently had the opportunity to establish a new community orchard in three open spaces around Glebe Drive and Belmont Place in Meigle. They wish to grow around 30 fruit trees of different species, which will include some heritage varieties. The group have recently been trained in fruit tree husbandry and orchard maintenance which includes pruning, harvesting and making good use of the fruit. In partnership with our Community Food Growing Officer the...

Closes 6 October 2024

Pitlochry and Moulin Community Food Growing consultation

Community food growing offers an opportunity for communities to come together and create a project that provides fresh local produce to individuals and/or the community. It can also provide an opportunity to improve your physical and mental wellbeing as well as a place to meet other members of the community. The Pitlochry and Moulin community has approached the council with an interest in creating a new community food growing area. Before we go further we need to...

Closes 3 November 2024

Your Food Growing Needs

The aim of this survey is to let you know about the current community food growing provision within Perth and Kinross and to direct you to a suitable growing space. Please note that allotment sites across Perth and Kinross are managed by individual allotment associations which are run by groups of volunteers who manage the waiting lists, finances and day-to day running of the sites. Unlike other local authorities, we do not allocate allotment plots, this can only be done by the...

Closes 31 December 2024

Grow Wild grassland management survey

Grow Wild for Perth and Kinross Following successful grassland management trials undertaken from 2021 - 2023 across 42 sites, we will be extending this new approach over the next 3 years as part of the ' Grow Wild ' campaign. From 2024 onwards we will begin rolling this out to Perth and the surrounding area. This will allow the development of a sustainable long-term action plan, supporting up to 1700 of the 1900 sites which we currently maintain across...

Closes 31 January 2025

Community Group or Project Mapping

We want to hear if your community, group or organisation are working together on projects associated with the environment and climate change. This could cover biodiversity, transport, active travel, land use, food, homes and buildings, energy, waste, business, awareness raising and adaptation. This survey takes 5 minutes to complete. This information collected in this survey will be shared on our interactive web map to encourage collaboration between groups, increase volunteer...

Closes 31 December 2025

Interim Climate Emergency Report and Action Plan 2021 - Let's Work Together to Tackle and Adapt to Climate Change

Between October 2020 to the end of January 2021 Perth & Kinross Council hosted an online engagement open to all stakeholders across Perth and Kinross to have their say on Climate Change challenges and activities across the region. We asked everyone how we can work together to become a climate resilient Perth and Kinross.

To continue the ongoing theme that everyone in Perth and Kinross has something to contribute, no matter how big or small their actions are, the engagement was rolled out under the PK Offer Umbrella.

Throughout the engagement process we hosted and attended numerous online discussions covering a variety of topics related to Climate Change and carbon saving.

The results of this engagement process contributed towards forming our Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan.

Nature Networks and Biodiversity Enhancement

National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) introduced two new requirements for biodiversity: Nature Networks and positive effects for biodiversity (enhancement). Nature Networks are composed of sites of importance for biodiversity (Core Areas) connected by corridors of habitat stepping stones, restoration projects and existing linear habitats like woodland. All development is asked to minimise impacts on Nature Networks and applications for larger developments are expected to contribute to...

Let's Work Together to Tackle and Adapt to Climate Change (Phase 1)

In June 2019 Perth & Kinross Council declared support for the Scottish Government and UK Parliaments’ climate emergency statements. The Council committed to work with citizens and other stakeholders in setting out a route map to a low carbon and climate resilient Perth & Kinross. The Interim Climate Emergency Report and Action Plan is the first stage in this journey. It is an interim document and forms the basis to start the conversation with our national and local...

Climate Emergency (Phase 2) - Energy and Buildings

Let's Work Together to Tackle and Adapt to Climate Change (Phase 2) Energy and Buildings In June 2019 Perth & Kinross Council declared support for the Scottish Government and UK Parliaments’ climate emergency statements. The Council committed to work with citizens and other stakeholders in setting out a route map to a low carbon and climate resilient Perth and Kinross. The Interim Climate Emergency Report and Action Plan is the first stage in this journey....

Climate Emergency (Phase 3) - Land Use

Let's Work Together to Tackle and Adapt to Climate Change (Phase 3) Land Use In June 2019 Perth & Kinross Council declared support for the Scottish Government and UK Parliaments’ climate emergency statements. The Council committed to work with citizens and other stakeholders in setting out a route map to a low carbon and climate resilient Perth and Kinross. The Interim Climate Emergency Report and Action Plan is the first stage in this journey. It is an...

Climate Emergency (Phase 4) - Transport

Let's Work Together to Tackle and Adapt to Climate Change (Phase 4) Transport In June 2019 Perth & Kinross Council declared support for the Scottish Government and UK Parliaments’ climate emergency statements. The Council committed to work with citizens and other stakeholders in setting out a route map to a low carbon and climate resilient Perth and Kinross. The Interim Climate Emergency Report and Action Plan is the first stage in this journey. It is an...

Climate Emergency (Phase 5) - Business and Industry

Let's Work Together to Tackle and Adapt to Climate Change (Phase 5) Business and Industry In June 2019 Perth & Kinross Council declared support for the Scottish Government and UK Parliaments’ climate emergency statements. The Council committed to work with citizens and other stakeholders in setting out a route map to a low carbon and climate resilient Perth and Kinross. The Interim Climate Emergency Report and Action Plan is the first stage in this...

Climate Change Perth and Kinross Council #PKOfferThe only way to do this right is to do it together.

Let’s work together to tackle climate change for ourselves and for our future generations.

Previous climate change related activities

Here you will find closed activities that we have run related to climate change. Take a look to find out more about them and see what we have done since you responded.

Draft Mobility Strategy

We would like you to share your thoughts on the Consultation Draft Mobility Strategy and Action Plan to help finalise the work prior to adoption.

Alyth NFM Study Community Event

Perth & Kinross Council has been carrying out a natural flood managment (NFM) study for the Alyth area and is seeking the views of the community on the draft outputs. Community drop-in sessions are being held on 28 and 30 May 2024 at the Alyth Town Hall (3-7pm). These event will allow the community to view and comment on the extensive work carried out as part of the Alyth NFM Study, including the best available understanding of flood risk in the catchment and the draft findings from the...

Blairgowrie & Rattray SWMP Consultation Event

Perth & Kinross Council has been carrying out a surface water managment plan for the Blairgowrie & Rattray area and is seeking the views of the community on the draft outputs. All of the details relating to the study can be found in the Council’s newsletter (below) which has also been distributed to local residents and businesses.

Tay Forest National Park

The Scottish Government has announced its intention to create at least one new national park. In March 2023, we agreed to make budget provision to support a bid submission for a new national park in northern Perthshire, called the Tay Forest National Park. The opportunity to submit a bid to create a new national park is a rare opportunity to seek international recognition for Highland Perthshire’s outstanding natural beauty and rich cultural and...

Perth and Kinross Local Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategy 2024-2045 Consultation

This consultation seeks your views on the draft vision, priorities and actions which will shape the first Perth and Kinross Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) and accompanying 5-year Delivery Plan (2024-2029). The Perth and Kinross LHEES is driven by Scotland’s overarching statutory targets for greenhouse gas emissions reduction and fuel poverty.

South Kinross Flood Scheme

Kinross has experienced a history of flooding from the South Queich, the Gelly Burn and the Clash Burn. The most recent significant flood events occurred in January 1993, December 2006 and February and August 2020. It is estimated that approximately 194 homes and businesses are currently at risk of flooding. In order to address this, we engaged consulting engineers, RPS, to develop proposals for a flood protection scheme in the area. We are now ready to consult...

PK Offer Everyone has something to Offer Climate Change banner. Equalities, Empowerment and Fairness. Education. Economy. Environment.