We Asked, You Said, We Did

Below are some of the topics we have recently consulted on and their outcomes.

We asked

We asked you to tell us what your priorities for rent spending were for 2025/26 across your Housing Services.

You said

Over 1,200 of our tenants responded, which is a record amount for this annual consultation.

You can view the results of the consultation below.

We did

The results were fed back to tenants who attended the Summer Tenants' Conference on June 27th 2024.

Further discussions were held at the event about the results and what services tenants want to see.

Your feedback will allow us to put together some rent level options for 2025/26 that will go out for consultation with tenants in November and December 2024. You will be able to vote for your preferred rent level during this consultation. 

The results on the rent level consultation will be included in a report to the Housing and Social Wellbeing Committee in January 2025, where a final decision on 2025/26 rent levels will be made.

We asked

We asked the Alyth community about:

  • the flood risk from the Alyth Burn and smaller watercourses (Doctor's and Johnshill Burns)
  • the findings of the Alyth Natural Flood Management study
  • other actions to raise awareness and improve community flood resilience

You said

Feedback was received during the community drop-in events and online consultation.  A Q&A report has been produced addressing the comments received.

We did

The Councilwill now finalise the Alyth NFM study and report the conclusions to the next available Climate Change and Sustainability Committee. Thereafter, the Council will implement the recommendations of the reports (subject to funding and any statutory approvals). The Council will carry out further consultation with the community as proposals are further developed.

We asked

For your comments on the on the proposed extension of a lease to Scottish Water of land at Friarton Road, Perth for the purpose of a sludge reception centre.

You said

No responses were received.

We did

Proceed with the process of extending the lease.

We asked

We asked whether the public would prefer the former toilet block in Auchterarder would be better used as a community run public toilet/art gallery, or as a community banking hub.

You said

55% of respondents said they would support the use of the toilet block for a community run public toilet/art gallery.

We did

We collated responses and considered these alongside the business proposals for the two projects.

We asked

We asked the Blairgowrie & Rattray community about:

  • the flood risk from surface water and the Rattray Burn
  • the findings of the Blairgowrie & Rattray SWMP
  • other actions to raise awareness and improve community flood resilience

You said

A significant volume of feedback was received and has been captured in a public consultation report. This feedback was generally positive and a number of different concerns/queries were raised. The Q&A report sets out the feedback received, and the Council's answers to the questions posed. 

We did

The Council will now update and finalise the Blairgowrie & Rattray SWMP and report the conclusions to the next available Climate Change and Sustainability Committee. Thereafter, the Council will implement the recommendations of the reports (subject to funding and any statutory approvals). The Council will carry out further consultation with the community as proposals are further developed.

We asked

As part of the requirement in the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 we have a duty to include the opinions of the community in the decision process when leasing any property which has Common Good status.

We asked whether or not the café at MacRosty Park pavilion should be leased out to a café operator.

You said

We received 108 responses from 10/01/2024 to 11/02/2024.

There were 101 responses in favour of using the facilities for a café, 3 responses provided other suggestions and 4 responses were not specific.

May be an image of 2 people and covered bridge

We did

After considering all of the views, we decided to lease the pavilion facilities to a café operator.

You can read more about our decision here New MacRosty Park cafe operators ready to welcome business and on our Facebook page

We asked

For comments on the proposed lease of a shop at 2 Noth Port, Perth.

You said

No comments were received.

We did

PKC proceeded with the proposed lease.

We asked

What our tenants thought the rent level increase should be for 2024/25, based on proposed investment in Housing Services and the financial pressures facing the Housing Revenue Account (HRA).

You said

A total of 2,944 tenants responded to the consultation – 36.7% of our tenants.

Over half - 58.6% - chose a 6% rent increase from the three options presented.

We did

As the majority of tenants preferred a 6% rent increase, this was proposed in a report to a meeting of the Housing and Social Wellbeing Committee on 24th January 2024.

Councillors accepted the proposal, and a 6% rent increase will come into effect from 1st April 2024.

We asked

Your thoughts on a new Tenant Participation Strategy for Perth and Kinross.


You said

Tenant feedback that has informed the strategy priorities, opportunities to get involved and implementation:

“A change is required to move away from traditional approaches including change in culture across tenants and staff”.

“We need to interest more people in getting involved through changing activities and building trust”.

“We need to find ways to make sure everyone has a say – young people or people with support needs can be hard to reach”.

“People care about their home and community. We need to sell the benefits of getting involved to more people”.

We did

A Tenant Conference was held in January to start formulating the vision of the strategy and open to all tenants with staff representation from Falkirk Council and a tenant representative from Kingdom Housing Association attending to share best practice, knowledge and experience.

The vision that was agreed was: "Tenant participation in P&K offers everyone an opportunity to work together, be listened to and influence decisions on the issues which matter most to you to improve outcomes".

This reflects the main focus four strategy priorities; a change of Tenant Participation culture, improved communication between PKC and tenants, tenants having a say in housing decisions and working with communities to make change.

A final Steering Group meeting was held in April to provide feedback to the draft strategy, overall, it was agreed that the content of the strategy is reflective of the steering groups input and the outcomes are achievable.

It was agreed by the steering group that the annual performance review and evaluation holds all staff and elected members accountable in achieving positive outcomes for tenants, neighbourhoods and improved communication.

The new draft Tenant Participation Strategy will be considered by the Housing and Social Wellbeing Committee in June 2024.

We asked

For comments on the Lease of Perth Museum (formerly Perth City Hall) St John's Place, Perth by PKC to Culture Perth & Kinross.

You said

No comments were received.

We did

The lease was agreed.

We asked

The Council and RPS consulted with the community on:

  • The risk of flooding in south Kinross
  • The Council's proposals for a flood scheme
  • Other action to raise awareness of flood risk and improve flood resilience

You said

The response to the consultation was generally positive with the majority of the community being supportive of the proposed outline design for the flood scheme.

We did

The public consultation on the outline design is now complete and a public consultation report has been produced to highlight how feedback ahs been addressed. The flood scheme will therefore be published under the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act in 2020 and the Council will notify all affected landowners and residents at that time.

We asked

For comments on the proposed sale of Wellmeadow House, Gas Brae, Blairgowrie.

You said

No comments were received.

We did

The Council completed the proposed sale of Wellmeadow House.

We asked

For your views on the principle of introducing a short-term let control area for Highland Perthshire and parts of Eastern Perthshire, and whether you had any suggestions on how to improve the draft guidance.

You said

A wide range of views on the principle of a short-term let control area and on the draft guidance were received from individuals, businesses and organisations.

We did

Several changes were made to the guidance following the consultation and the finalised guidance was approved by the Environment, Infrastructure and Economic Development Committee on 1 November 2023. This will now be used to help assess and determine planning applications for changes of use from a house or flat to a short-term let. A further report on the principle and evidence for designating a short-term let control area will go to the Committee early in 2024.

We asked

For your views on the draft Supplementary Guidance for Developer Contributions & Affordable Housing to support Local Development Plan 2 (2019) policy 5 and policy 20.

You said

A range of comments, broadly supportive of the proposed guidance, which largely carries forward the existing Supplementary Guidance (adopted in 2020).

We did

Some changes were made to the guidance following the consultation and the finalised guidance was approved by the Environment, Infrastructure and Economic Development Committee on 20 September 2023. The revised Guidance (as presented to Committee) has now been submitted to Scottish Ministers for consideration. Further updates will be published on the Supplementary Guidance webpage for Developer Contributions & Affordable Housing.

We asked

We sought participation in our online survey on the Den o’ Alyth Management Plan so as to identify a list of prioritised improvement projects and upgrades to be implemented in the coming years. We asked about working in partnership with communities and welcomed comments, impressions and suggestions. 

You said

We received a number of comments on a variety of countryside management-related issues, and on visitor experiences in the Den all of which were processed to help inform the Plan

We did

The comments and feedback received were taken into account when writing the latest draft of the Management Plan. This will assist with the future implementation of the Plan and help to programme these projects and upgrades depending on our budgets and resource. 


We asked

We asked the Craigie Burn catchment community about:

  • the flood risk from the Craigie Burn (and other tributaries/sources)
  • the findings of the Craigie Burn flood study
  • other actions to raise awareness and improve community flood resilience

You said

A significant volume of feedback was received and has been captured in a public consultation report. This sets out the feedback received, and the Council's answers to the questions posed. 

We did

The recommended option has been submitted to SEPA for prioritisation and will hopefully be included within the national priority list of flood schemes. The scheme has been put forward for inclusion within the next Tay Flood Risk Management Strategy and Local Flood Risk Management Plan (covering the period from 2028 to 2034), subject to suitable funding being in place. The feedback received will be considered further during future work on the study recommendations.

We asked

We asked the public to comment on a draft licensing policy statement.

You said

Five consultation responses were received on a variety of issues contained within the draft licensing policy statement.

We did

A Report was prepared and placed before Perth and Kinross Licensing Board on 27 September. That report included all consultation responses. The Board then decided the full terms of its Licensing Policy Statement to apply from 5 November 2023 to 5 November 2028.

We asked

  1. To what extent do you agree/disagree that the report explains why we need a Mobility Strategy for Perth and Kinross?
  2. To what extent do you agree/disagree that the report provides adequate information about how people and goods move around in Perth and Kinross?
  3. To what extent do you agree/disagree that the report identifies the key problems and opportunities across our existing transport network?
  4. Are there any other suggestions that you think you should mention regarding the emerging Mobility Strategy?

You said

The Let’s Talk Trasport report received 67 responses and shown positive support to our report and its presented evidence. This information was used to inform the draft Mobility Strategy, which got committee approval at the begingin of May 2024.

We did

  1. Strong support was visible for the need to develop a Mobility Strategy, backed by evidence. This evidence influenced the development of the draft Mobility Strategy. After receiving feedback, more emphasis has been placed on addressing climate concerns and emissions in the draft.
  2. Information was shared in a simple, non-technical manner with complete transparency regarding the links and sources of each dataset. This approach was well-received in the feedback, so it has been consistently used throughout the development of the Mobility Strategy.
  3. Overall, there was evident support for addressing the issues and opportunities outlined in the report. However, some gaps were identified and taken into consideration during the development of the draft Mobility Strategy. Emphasis has been placed on costs, accessibility, and public transport, particularly within the formulated Objectives (also referred to as Transport Planning Objectives).
  4. A variety of comments and considerations have been incorporated into the development of the draft Mobility Strategy, which will soon be available for Public Consultation.

We asked

What your priorities were for rent spending for the period 2024/25.

You said

A total of 469 tenants responded. 

You can read the results below.

We did

The feedback was discussed with tenants at our Tenant Summer Roadshow events in June 2023.

All the comments received then fed into proposals for three rent level options which we consulted tenants on in November and December 2023.


We asked

For the public to comment on the proposal for a lease to be granted to Taste Talk Limited for the commercial property at 2 North Port, Perth.  

You said

There were no responses received.  

We did

Taste Talk Ltd have not progressed to enter into a lease of the property.