Tenant Participation Strategy (TPS) 2024-27

Closed 31 Oct 2023

Opened 9 Oct 2023

Feedback updated 26 Apr 2024

We asked

Your thoughts on a new Tenant Participation Strategy for Perth and Kinross.


You said

Tenant feedback that has informed the strategy priorities, opportunities to get involved and implementation:

“A change is required to move away from traditional approaches including change in culture across tenants and staff”.

“We need to interest more people in getting involved through changing activities and building trust”.

“We need to find ways to make sure everyone has a say – young people or people with support needs can be hard to reach”.

“People care about their home and community. We need to sell the benefits of getting involved to more people”.

We did

A Tenant Conference was held in January to start formulating the vision of the strategy and open to all tenants with staff representation from Falkirk Council and a tenant representative from Kingdom Housing Association attending to share best practice, knowledge and experience.

The vision that was agreed was: "Tenant participation in P&K offers everyone an opportunity to work together, be listened to and influence decisions on the issues which matter most to you to improve outcomes".

This reflects the main focus four strategy priorities; a change of Tenant Participation culture, improved communication between PKC and tenants, tenants having a say in housing decisions and working with communities to make change.

A final Steering Group meeting was held in April to provide feedback to the draft strategy, overall, it was agreed that the content of the strategy is reflective of the steering groups input and the outcomes are achievable.

It was agreed by the steering group that the annual performance review and evaluation holds all staff and elected members accountable in achieving positive outcomes for tenants, neighbourhoods and improved communication.

The new draft Tenant Participation Strategy will be considered by the Housing and Social Wellbeing Committee in June 2024.

Results updated 26 Apr 2024

  • 75 tenants responded in total
  • 60% of respondents were aged 25-65, 28% were aged 65+
  • 44% identified completing surveys was their preferred level of involvement
  • 52% reported the main issues that mattered to them was management of their neighbourhood and repairs
  • 67% reported the main barriers to involvement were time, health and interest.


The Tenant Participation Strategy (TPS) for Perth and Kinross Council is being updated, and we want you to tell us your thoughts on what matters to you as a tenant of Perth and Kinross Council when it comes to participation.   

Tenant Participation is about tenants taking part in the Council's decision making processes so that you can influence decisions relating to housing and housing-related services.

The TPS sets out how we will engage with our tenants and how we will involve you in the way we take decisions about housing and housing services. Our current TPS has come to an end, and so a new strategy is now being drafted. The new TPS will provide our vision for delivering tenant participation between 2024 - 2027, as well as our priorities for action over that period of time.

Why your views matter

We want to produce the new TPS in partnership with our tenants. To do this we want to find out what you think are the key decisions you should be influencing.

We also want to know about your current experiences of tenant participation and any barriers that you face to getting involved.

Finally we want to ask how you would like to be involved and what you think are the best methods of tenant engagement. This will help us to develop a menu of opportunities that makes it easy for as many tenants as possible to participate.

This is an important opportunity for you to have a voice in influencing the future shape of tenant participation in Perth and Kinross and to get involved in decision making. We are very keen to hear your views.  


  • All Perth & Kinross


  • Council Tenants


  • Social Housing