Proposed Lease Extension of 0.383 acre Site, Friarton Road, Perth

Closed 10 Jun 2024

Opened 15 Apr 2024


The Council currently leases a site extending approximately to 0.383 acres at Friarton Road, Perth to Scottish Water. The site is used by Scottish Water for the purpose of a sludge reception centre. The current lease expired 27 May 2023 and has been continuing on tacit relocation since then. The Council is proposing to formally extend the period of lease for a further 15 years with effect from 28 May 2023. The leased subjects are shown outlined in red on the location plan shown below, site reference 6156.

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It is proposed that the lease will be extended on the same terms as the existing lease, namely:

  • period of extension from 28 May 2023 to 27 May 2038
  • leased subjects to continue to be used as a sludge reception centre
  • rent to be a comparable market value rent subject to 5 yearly upwards only rent reviews
  • Scottish Water to be responsible for all repairs to and maintenance of the leased subjects
  • on normal commercial terms for such a lease.

Why your views matter

The leased subjects have Common Good status and the Council is required to consult as part of the requirement in the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 to capture the opinions of the community in the decision-making process. The aim of this consultation is therefore to provide an opportunity to comment on the proposal to extend the current lease to Scottish Water.

Please note that the content of any representations made and the details of the party or parties making such representations may appear in a publicly available report to the Perth Common Good Committee of the Council.


  • All Perth & Kinross


  • Anyone from any background


  • Land and Property