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189 results

  • Improving advocacy services in Perth and Kinross

    Perth and Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership is developing a Strategic Advocacy Plan for Perth and Kinross. An organisation is defined as providing advocacy if it gives impartial and independent information and support (but not advice) to help s afeguard people who are vulnerable, at risk or discriminated against, or who traditional services find difficult to reach. Advocacy also represents a person’s views, either by supporting... More
    Closed 27 May 2019
  • Play Area Upgrades Completed in 2017/18 - Customer Satisfaction Survey

    We are carrying out a customer satisfaction survey on play areas that were upgraded in 2017/18. These were: • Ardblair Terrace, Blairgowrie • Friarton Park, Perth • Kirkhall Park, Almondbank • Mathieson Drive, Perth • Sidlaw Place, Coupar Angus If you would like to comment on more than one play area, please return and complete another response. More
    Closed 30 April 2019
  • Tayside Strategy for Parents Consultation 2019

    The Tayside Plan for Children, Young People and Families 2017-2020 identified the need to “develop and implement, in partnership, an evidence-based " Tayside Strategy for Parents ”. The development of this Strategy is being co-ordinated though a Multi –agency partnership group, with representatives from NHS Tayside, Dundee Council, Angus Council, Perth & Kinross Council and the 3 rd sector. The Tayside Strategy for Parents aims to improve information and... More
    Closed 23 April 2019
  • Early learning and childcare consultation 2018/19

    Perth & Kinross Council is seeking the views of parents and carers with babies, under-fives and school-age children regarding care and early education provision in the local area through a short online survey. If you would like more information on any aspect of childcare or funded early learning and childcare provision in Perth & Kinross then you should contact the Childcare and Family Information Service email or telephone 0345 601 4477. Details of... More
    Closed 28 February 2019
  • Crieff Draft Air Quality Action Plan Consultation

    Over a number of previous years, exceedances of national air quality objectives have been identified within the High Street corridor in Crieff. As a result, this area was declared an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) in 2014. In order to seek compliance with air quality objectives, and in accordance with the Scottish Government policy guidance, Perth & Kinross Council (PKC) is required to create an Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP)... More
    Closed 18 February 2019
  • Perth & Kinross Council Budget Consultation 2019/20

    Like all local authorities we are preparing for very significant financial challenges which lie ahead with budgets remaining tight. For 2019/20 the challenge is at an unprecedented level in Perth and Kinross. The Council faces a funding shortfall of £28m in total. Our strong record of prudent financial management has allowed us to protect services for the most part from large-scale reductions. However, we continue to see increasing demand for services which places additional... More
    Closed 3 February 2019
  • Perth & Kinross Council British Sign Language (BSL) Plan

    Development of a BSL Plan for local BSL users. The local plan will have the same long term aims as the Scottish Government BSL Plan 2017 – 2023 and aims to set out actions to improve how BSL users find out about our services, and to make sure BSL users have equal access to them. More
    Closed 31 October 2018
  • Gypsy/Traveller Strategy for Perth and Kinross

    Production of a revised Gypsy/Traveller Strategy for 2018-21. More
    Closed 31 August 2018
  • Tayside Parenting Strategy Consultation 2018

    In May 2017 the three Community Planning Partnerships of Angus, Dundee and Perth & Kinross came together as The Tayside Collaborative and jointly agreed the Tayside Plan for Children, Young People and Families 2017-2020 . This plan set out the following vision: “Our children and young people will have the best start in life and Tayside will be the best place in Scotland to grow up.” The Tayside Collaborative recognised the integral role of parents in achieving... More
    Closed 30 August 2018
189 results. Page 7 of 7