37 results
Grow Wild grassland management survey
Grow Wild for Perth and Kinross Following successful grassland management trials undertaken from 2021 - 2023 across 42 sites, we will be extending this new approach over the next 3 years as part of the ' Grow Wild ' campaign. From 2024 onwards we will begin rolling this out to Perth and the surrounding area. This will allow the development of a sustainable long-term action plan, supporting up to 1700 of the 1900 sites which we currently maintain across... MoreClosed 31 January 2025 -
Coupar Angus Community Food Growing consultation
Community food growing offers an opportunity for communities to come together and create a project that provides fresh local produce to individuals and/or the community. Community food growing projects can also provide an opportunity to improve your physical and mental wellbeing as well as a place to meet other members of the community. Members of the community, including the 'Isla Gardeners' who manage the community garden on Caddam Road, have approached the Council with... MoreClosed 15 December 2024 -
Pitlochry and Moulin Community Food Growing consultation
Community food growing offers an opportunity for communities to come together and create a project that provides fresh local produce to individuals and/or the community. It can also provide an opportunity to improve your physical and mental wellbeing as well as a place to meet other members of the community. During the development of the PKC Community Food Growing Strategy in 2021 some individuals from the Pitlochry and Moulin community expressed interest in starting a... MoreClosed 24 November 2024 -
Meigle Community Orchard
Take a Pride in Meigle have recently had the opportunity to establish a new community orchard in three open spaces around Glebe Drive and Belmont Place in Meigle. They wish to grow around 30 fruit trees of different species, which will include some heritage varieties. The group have recently been trained in fruit tree husbandry and orchard maintenance which includes pruning, harvesting and making good use of the fruit. In partnership with our Community Food Growing Officer the... MoreClosed 6 October 2024 -
Refurbishment of Legion Park, Comrie
We look after over 160 play areas across the region, from large facilities at our major parks to rural and local play areas right on your doorstep. Legion Park in Comrie has now come to the top of our list and to make improvements which suit everybody's needs, we're asking you to take part in our small survey and consultation. MoreClosed 15 September 2024 -
Draft Mobility Strategy
We would like you to share your thoughts on the Consultation Draft Mobility Strategy and Action Plan to help finalise the work prior to adoption. MoreClosed 28 July 2024 -
Alyth NFM Study Community Event
Perth & Kinross Council has been carrying out a natural flood managment (NFM) study for the Alyth area and is seeking the views of the community on the draft outputs. Community drop-in sessions are being held on 28 and 30 May 2024 at the Alyth Town Hall (3-7pm). These event will allow the community to view and comment on the extensive work carried out as part of the Alyth NFM Study, including the best available understanding of flood risk in the catchment and the draft findings from the... MoreClosed 14 June 2024 -
Blairgowrie & Rattray SWMP Consultation Event
Perth & Kinross Council has been carrying out a surface water managment plan for the Blairgowrie & Rattray area and is seeking the views of the community on the draft outputs. All of the details relating to the study can be found in the Council’s newsletter (below) which has also been distributed to local residents and businesses. MoreClosed 22 March 2024 -
Tay Forest National Park
The Scottish Government has announced its intention to create at least one new national park. In March 2023, we agreed to make budget provision to support a bid submission for a new national park in northern Perthshire, called the Tay Forest National Park. The opportunity to submit a bid to create a new national park is a rare opportunity to seek international recognition for Highland Perthshire’s outstanding natural beauty and rich cultural and... MoreClosed 1 December 2023 -
Perth and Kinross Local Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategy 2024-2045 Consultation
This consultation seeks your views on the draft vision, priorities and actions which will shape the first Perth and Kinross Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) and accompanying 5-year Delivery Plan (2024-2029). The Perth and Kinross LHEES is driven by Scotland’s overarching statutory targets for greenhouse gas emissions reduction and fuel poverty. MoreClosed 29 October 2023 -
South Kinross Flood Scheme
Kinross has experienced a history of flooding from the South Queich, the Gelly Burn and the Clash Burn. The most recent significant flood events occurred in January 1993, December 2006 and February and August 2020. It is estimated that approximately 194 homes and businesses are currently at risk of flooding. In order to address this, we engaged consulting engineers, RPS, to develop proposals for a flood protection scheme in the area. We are now ready to consult... MoreClosed 20 October 2023 -
Den of Alyth Management Plan Public Consultation
Since 2018 a number of public consultation events and meetings have taken place asking for views on what matters most for the future management of the Den o' Alyth. Following on from our previous community consultation which ran from February to April 2021, we have now prepared a draft Management Plan, which takes these views into account, along with historical data and information from previous management plans. It has been a long journey to get to this... MoreClosed 31 July 2023 -
Craigie Burn Flood Protection Study Community Events
Perth & Kinross Council has been carrying out a flood study on the Craigie Burn, Perth and is seeking the views of the community on the draft outputs. Community drop-in sessions are being held on 20 and 28 June 2023 at the Dewars Centre (Hay Room, 2-8pm). These event will allow the community to view and comment on the extensive work carried out as part of the Craigie Burn Flood Study , including: · Flood risk and flooding mechanisms... MoreClosed 16 July 2023 -
The Big Place Conversation – Let’s Talk Transport
Our Transportation and Development Team would like you to share your thoughts and experiences on the transport network to help identify further problems and opportunities as presented in our Let’s Talk Transport, main issues report. This will allow us to develop a robust evidence base to inform the draft Mobility Strategy. MoreClosed 11 June 2023 -
Rumbling Bridge Management Plan Public Consultation
Rumbling Bridge Gorge is an attractive woodland site. The River Devon falls steeply through the gorge at this point and there are fine views of the Devil’s Mill and the Rumbling Bridge itself. A riverside path leads on upstream to the Crook of Devon and there are a number of other paths to explore nearby. The Rumbling Bridge Management Plan is a new plan and will guide Community Greenspace’s management of the area from 2023 until 2028. MoreClosed 24 April 2023 -
Black Spout Wood Management Plan Public Consultation
Black Spout Wood is located at the south east end of Pitlochry. It covers an area of almost 22 hectares, of which roughly 18 hectares is owned by the Council and 3.5 hectares leased from Pitlochry Estate. It's currently managed as an attractive, accessible, ecologically important woodland and provides a natural space for exercise and community interaction. The Black Spout Woods Management Plan is a new plan and will guide Community Greenspace’s... MoreClosed 24 April 2023 -
Flooding on Cavendish Avenue/Gray Street, Perth
The Council and Scottish Water are holding a community drop in session in the Hay Suite, Dewars Centre, Perth on 23 March 2023. The aim of this drop-in session is to provide you with more information on the joint investigation work carried out to date into the flooding around Cavendish Avenue and Gray Street , including: the potential options considered ; to discuss the... MoreClosed 13 April 2023 -
Blairgowrie Surface Water Management Plan - Community Survey
We are keen to consult with local residents and businesses in Blairgowrie & Rattray regarding flooding due to surface water and the Rattray Burn. We have recently engaged consulting engineers, RSK/Binnie's, to develop the surface water management plan for Blairgowrie . This work will involve reviewing and modelling existing flood conditions and the consideration of potential measures to address flood risk. This is an identified action within the current Tay Local Flood Risk... MoreClosed 5 February 2023 -
Flooding on Feus Road, Perth
The Council and Scottish Water recently held a community drop in session at the Caley Bowling Club, Feus Road on 01 November 2022. The aim of this drop-in session was to provide you with more information on the joint investigation work carried out to date into the flooding at Feus Road , including: the potential options considered ; to discuss the operational response to... MoreClosed 30 November 2022 -
Managed for Wildlife Trials 2022
To improve biodiversity and help mitigate climate change we will be managing some areas in selected parks and other open spaces in a special way in 2022 on a trial basis. We will be managing areas within 8 sites with a view to improving these for native flowers, bees, butterflies and other wildlife by cutting the grass once in September/October and removing the trimmings. In addition, selected areas within 37 sites will be allowed to naturalise which will also help reduce... MoreClosed 31 October 2022 -
Invergowrie Natural Flood Management Study
Perth & Kinross Council has been carrying out a natural flood management (NFM) study for the Invergowrie area and is seeking the views of the community on the draft outputs. All of the details relating to the study can be found in the Council’s newsletter (below) which has also been distributed to local residents and businesses. MoreClosed 25 September 2022 -
Victory Park, Bridge of Earn – Consultation
Perth & Kinross Council look after over 160 play areas across the region, from large facilities at our major parks to rural and local play areas right on your doorstep. Victory Park in Bridge of Earn has now come to the top of our list and to make improvements which suit everybody's needs, we're asking you to take part in our small survey and consultation. MoreClosed 28 July 2022 -
Perth and Kinross Climate Action: Community Engagement Programme
Let’s Tackle Climate Change Together! Perth and Kinross Council's Climate Change Team are asking all community groups to complete this questionnaire and tell us about how you would like to engage with the council and other community groups undertaking climate action. Click the link at the bottom of this page to complete the questionnaire to help us understand how community groups would like to engage. Why Take Part? Your views matter to us! We want to... MoreClosed 24 June 2022 -
Birks of Aberfeldy Management Plan Public Consultation
We are consulting on a new Management Plan for the Birks of Aberfeldy. This Plan will guide our management of the site for the next 5 years and has been drawn up in consultation with the Birks of Aberfeldy Community Group, Nature Scot and others. We’re consulting now as we would like a broader endorsement of the proposals and action plan set out within the Plan and to improve it by taking on board the views of the wider community. MoreClosed 17 April 2022 -
Perth Surface Water Management Plan - Community Survey
We are keen to consult with residents and businesses in Perth with regards to surface water flooding. Surface water flooding typically occurs when rainwater does not drain away through the normal drainage systems or soak into the ground but lies on or flows over the ground itself. The risk of surface water flooding is expected to increase due to the impacts of climate change, with rain storms (particularly in the summer) becoming more frequent and intense. ... MoreClosed 1 April 2022 -
Alyth Natural Flood Management Study
We are keen to consult with residents regarding their experiences of flooding in Alyth. We have recently engaged consulting engineers, AECOM, to carry out a natural flood management study for Alyth. This work will involve reviewing and modelling existing flood conditions and the consideration of potential natural measures to address flood risk. This is an identified action within the current Tay Local Flood Risk Management Plan (which can be viewed at: www.pkc.gov.uk/frmplans ). ... MoreClosed 18 March 2022 -
Food Waste Survey #FoodWasteEqualsClimateChange
Reducing our Food Waste is a really easy way to do our bit to reduce climate change. For the average household in Perth and Kinross, with 3 kerbside bins (blue, brown and green), one third of their general waste bin is filled with food waste – and a large proportion of this is still edible. To help and encourage householders to reduce the amount of avoidable food waste produced, and to assist householders in diverting unavoidable food waste from landfill, Perth & Kinross... MoreClosed 14 February 2022 -
Craigie Burn Flood Study
We are keen to consult with residents regarding their experiences of flooding within the Craigie Burn catchment of Perth. In December 2015, SEPA published the Tay Flood Risk Management (FRM) Strategy and in June 2016, the Council published the Tay Local FRM Plan. Both of these documents can be viewed at www.pkc.gov.uk/frmplans and include the requirement for a flood protection study for the Craigie Burn as one of the selected actions for managing flood risk in the area. ... MoreClosed 7 January 2022 -
Food Growing Strategy Consultation (Phase 2)
This Draft Food Growing Strategy responds to the Government’s vision to increase the health and wellbeing of Scotland`s communities by encouraging more people to grow and eat fruit and vegetables. Growing food together allows people to meet and work with others in their community; develop food growing knowledge and skills and lead healthier lifestyles. It also plays a role in improving biodiversity, mitigating climate change and reducing food... MoreClosed 1 March 2021 -
Loch Leven Special Protection Area and Ramsar Site Guidance
The Loch Leven Special Protection Area and Ramsar Site Guidance relates to the protection of the Loch Leven Catchment Area. Loch Leven is designated as a Special Protection Area (SPA) and RAMSAR site. SPA and RAMSAR sites are internationally important wildlife sites. The guidance provides advice on the implementation of Policy 46 in the Local Development Plan 2. It descibes the steps new development must take to protect the loch and setting out the information to be provided in... MoreClosed 16 March 2020
37 results.
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