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189 results

  • Managed for Wildlife Trials 2022

    To improve biodiversity and help mitigate climate change we will be managing some areas in selected parks and other open spaces in a special way in 2022 on a trial basis. We will be managing areas within 8 sites with a view to improving these for native flowers, bees, butterflies and other wildlife by cutting the grass once in September/October and removing the trimmings. In addition, selected areas within 37 sites will be allowed to naturalise which will also help reduce... More
    Opened 7 February 2022
  • Tenant Satisfaction Survey 2022

    Perth & Kinross Council Housing Services is committed to listening to you and using your views to continually improve the services we provide. To help us achieve this we regularly carry out tenant satisfaction surveys. The survey asks for your views on the services we provide, how we communicate with you, priorities on how we spend your rent money and how happy you are with your home and neighbourhood. This will allow us to develop Housing Services in line with... More
    Opened 16 February 2022
  • Lease of Land 0.140 Acres, Weighbridge Site, Harbour Road, Perth

    The aim of the consultation is to provide an opportunity to comment on the proposal for a lease to be granted to Calport Limited of an area of land extending to 0.140 acres together with weighbridge and associated buildings at Harbour Road Perth. This is to replace an existing lease to Calport Limited which has been in place since 28 th May 1992 and is due to expire 27 th May 2022. The leased subjects are shown outlined in red on the following plan. The... More
    Opened 17 February 2022
  • Perth Surface Water Management Plan - Community Survey

    We are keen to consult with residents and businesses in Perth with regards to surface water flooding. Surface water flooding typically occurs when rainwater does not drain away through the normal drainage systems or soak into the ground but lies on or flows over the ground itself. The risk of surface water flooding is expected to increase due to the impacts of climate change, with rain storms (particularly in the summer) becoming more frequent and intense. ... More
    Opened 21 February 2022
  • Alyth Natural Flood Management Study

    We are keen to consult with residents regarding their experiences of flooding in Alyth. We have recently engaged consulting engineers, AECOM, to carry out a natural flood management study for Alyth. This work will involve reviewing and modelling existing flood conditions and the consideration of potential natural measures to address flood risk. This is an identified action within the current Tay Local Flood Risk Management Plan (which can be viewed at: ). ... More
    Opened 28 February 2022
  • Birks of Aberfeldy Management Plan Public Consultation

    We are consulting on a new Management Plan for the Birks of Aberfeldy. This Plan will guide our management of the site for the next 5 years and has been drawn up in consultation with the Birks of Aberfeldy Community Group, Nature Scot and others. We’re consulting now as we would like a broader endorsement of the proposals and action plan set out within the Plan and to improve it by taking on board the views of the wider community. More
    Opened 14 March 2022
  • Accessibility Strategy for all schools in Perth and Kinross Council

    This strategy is for all those involved in the education of pupils with disabilities, either as a professional, such as a member of staff within the Education Authority or associated services, or as a family member of a child or young person with a disability, or as someone who supports or advocates for them in either a professional or personal capacity. The Education (Disability Strategies and Pupils Education Records) (Scotland) Act 2002 requires all Education Authorities to... More
    Opened 21 March 2022
  • Sale of 82 square metres of land, private parking, Myre Cottage, 11 Smith Street, Kinross

    The aim of the consultation is to provide an opportunity to comment on the proposal for a disposal of ground to the owners of Myre Cottage, Smith Street, Kinross. The Council sold the residential dwelling, Myre Cottage in 1967, and the area has been utilised for the purpose of property access and parking by the current and previous owners of Myre Cottage since that time. The subjects are shown outlined in red on the plan attached. It is proposed that Perth & Kinross... More
    Opened 8 April 2022
  • Rent Setting 2023/24 - Your Rent, Your Say, Your Priorities

    Our rent setting process for 2023/24 starts here! It’s very important we understand what matters to you, our tenants, when it comes to how we invest in your homes and in the housing services we deliver for you. This survey tells us what you think we should prioritise your rent money on. We are asking you to tell us what your main priorities are from the information detailed in this consultation. More
    Opened 22 April 2022
  • Digital Participation 2022

    Perth & Kinross Council are seeking views on digital participation, and by this we mean access to the internet and using digital technology. The Council are keen to understand levels of access across the Council area, the barriers to this, and what could be done to improve this. More
    Opened 4 May 2022
  • Perth and Kinross Climate Action: Community Engagement Programme

    Let’s Tackle Climate Change Together! Perth and Kinross Council's Climate Change Team are asking all community groups to complete this questionnaire and tell us about how you would like to engage with the council and other community groups undertaking climate action. Click the link at the bottom of this page to complete the questionnaire to help us understand how community groups would like to engage. Why Take Part? Your views matter to us! We want to... More
    Opened 6 May 2022
  • Carer Strategy Consultation

    This consultation is hosted by PKC in partnership with: We want to hear the views of unpaid carers across Perth and Kinross. Our Joint Carer Strategy has been in place since 2019 and we want to refresh it so that we can provide improved support to unpaid carers. We need carers to tell us what works for them and what more support they would like. The following video tells you more about carers and why we are asking for your views. More
    Opened 6 June 2022
  • Victory Park, Bridge of Earn – Consultation

    Perth & Kinross Council look after over 160 play areas across the region, from large facilities at our major parks to rural and local play areas right on your doorstep. Victory Park in Bridge of Earn has now come to the top of our list and to make improvements which suit everybody's needs, we're asking you to take part in our small survey and consultation. More
    Opened 30 June 2022
  • Short Term Let Licensing Scheme Consultation

    Provide us with your views on the new short term let licensing scheme Earlier this year the Scottish Parliament approved legislation to introduce a new mandatory licensing scheme for short term let properties. It is due to come into effect on 1 October 2022. The short term let licensing scheme will apply to a wide range of accommodation including self-catered properties, B&B’s, guest houses, glamping pods and yurts. Responses to this consultation will... More
    Opened 5 August 2022
  • Gypsy/Traveller Site Standards

    The Gypsy/ Traveller Site Standards guidance note provides guidance on how applications for private permanent sites or short/seasonal stay sites can address Policy 21 in Local Development Plan 2. As well as providing detail on the policy it gives applicants an overview of when permission is required and what other requirements are needed including licenses and building permits. The guidance does not address short term stopping places. More
    Opened 8 August 2022
  • Perth & Kinross Local Housing Strategy 2022-27: Draft Vision, Priorities and Actions

    Welcome to this consultation which seeks your views on the draft vision, priorities and actions for the new Perth & Kinross Local Housing Strategy (LHS). Housing plays a vital role in meeting the needs of local people, communities and the economy. Giving people the right housing for them, in the right place, at the right cost, vastly improves their life chances. We are required by the Scottish Government to have an LHS, which is reviewed and updated... More
    Opened 8 August 2022
  • Invergowrie Natural Flood Management Study

    Perth & Kinross Council has been carrying out a natural flood management (NFM) study for the Invergowrie area and is seeking the views of the community on the draft outputs. All of the details relating to the study can be found in the Council’s newsletter (below) which has also been distributed to local residents and businesses. More
    Opened 6 September 2022
  • Corporate Plan and Budget 2023-2024

    As a Council we are committed to serving the people and communities of Perth and Kinross and delivering the best possible services that we can within the resources at our disposal. In doing this we recognise that we need to continually consider what makes the biggest difference to those in the greatest need. The pandemic has only added to the significant and increasingly complex challenges we face. The equalities gap we were working to address has widened and... More
    Opened 18 October 2022
  • Rent Level Options for 2023/24

    Each year, in partnership with our tenants, we review the rent levels we charge for the Housing Services we provide. These annual reviews are necessary to ensure that we continue to meet our duties to you as a landlord, respond to your priorities and maintain high levels of service delivery. For the sixth year we are consulting and engaging with you over the level of rent to be set for the next year - 2023/24. We want to give all tenants a voice in decisions that affect you, your... More
    Opened 24 October 2022
  • Autism Strategy Consultation

    Perth and Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership are commencing work on devising a new local policy for Autism following the end of the ten-year Scottish Autism Strategy produced by the Scottish Government. The vision was that, by 2021: 'Individuals on the autism spectrum are respected, accepted and valued by their communities and have confidence in services to treat them fairly so that they are able to have meaningful and satisfying lives . ’ The... More
    Opened 3 November 2022
  • Flooding on Feus Road, Perth

    The Council and Scottish Water recently held a community drop in session at the Caley Bowling Club, Feus Road on 01 November 2022. The aim of this drop-in session was to provide you with more information on the joint investigation work carried out to date into the flooding at Feus Road , including: the potential options considered ; to discuss the operational response to... More
    Opened 7 November 2022
  • Big Place Conversation

    What is the Big Place Conversation? The Big Place Conversation aims to find out from you what is good in your town, village or neighbourhood and what could be improved, and what it might need in the future. This will help produce the next Local Development Plan, Mobility Strategy and could also help your community develop its own Local Place Plan or Community Action Plan. The information that is gathered will also help inform other Council departments as to what is needed in... More
    Opened 23 December 2022
  • Blairgowrie Surface Water Management Plan - Community Survey

    We are keen to consult with local residents and businesses in Blairgowrie & Rattray regarding flooding due to surface water and the Rattray Burn. We have recently engaged consulting engineers, RSK/Binnie's, to develop the surface water management plan for Blairgowrie . This work will involve reviewing and modelling existing flood conditions and the consideration of potential measures to address flood risk. This is an identified action within the current Tay Local Flood Risk... More
    Opened 13 January 2023
  • Draft Common Good Land Register

    Under the terms of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015, every Local Authority in Scotland is duty bound to prepare and publish a comprehensive register of all Common Good assets within their ownership. Common Good Common good assets are the heritable (land and buildings) and moveable (paintings, furniture, etc.) property that belonged to the former Burghs of Scotland. Common Good assets are owned by the local authority, although administered separately from other... More
    Opened 20 January 2023
  • Grant of servitude rights over ground at Low Road, Cherrybank, Perth

    Grant of servitude rights over ground at Low Road, Cherrybank, Perth Common Good/Open Space land at Low Road, Perth What is proposed? Perth and Kinross Council propose to grant rights over two areas of open space land at Low Road, Perth, to Craigie Hill Golf Club to enable the Club (subject to planning) to carry out widening and reconfiguration works to the road leading to the Golf Club (such rights being... More
    Opened 7 February 2023
  • Dunkeld Flood Protection Study Consultation Event

    Perth & Kinross Council has been carrying out a flood study for the Dunkeld area and is seeking the views of the community on the draft outputs. All of the details relating to the study can be found in the Council’s newsletter (below) which has also been distributed to local residents and businesses. More
    Opened 17 February 2023
  • Proposed Lease of Shop, 2 North Port, Perth, PH1 5LU

    The aim of the consultation is to provide an opportunity to comment on the proposal for a lease to be granted to Taste Talk Limited for the commercial property at 2 North Port, Perth. It is proposed that a lease be granted with the following terms: The proposed start date is 28 May 2023. The lease duration is for a period of 5 years. Both landlord and tenant will have a break option on the third anniversary of... More
    Opened 1 March 2023
  • Balhousie Primary School & Site Usage

    Balhousie Primary School is closing in June 2023 and will be replaced with Riverside Primary School which the Balhousie pupils will attend. The empty Balhousie Primary School building needs to find a new purpose. The building is listed, which means it is recognised for its historic architectural value. This will mean that for its next use, the building will need to retain the features identified as historically important. More
    Opened 9 March 2023
  • Rumbling Bridge Management Plan Public Consultation

    Rumbling Bridge Gorge is an attractive woodland site. The River Devon falls steeply through the gorge at this point and there are fine views of the Devil’s Mill and the Rumbling Bridge itself. A riverside path leads on upstream to the Crook of Devon and there are a number of other paths to explore nearby. The Rumbling Bridge Management Plan is a new plan and will guide Community Greenspace’s management of the area from 2023 until 2028. More
    Opened 17 March 2023
  • Black Spout Wood Management Plan Public Consultation

    Black Spout Wood is located at the south east end of Pitlochry. It covers an area of almost 22 hectares, of which roughly 18 hectares is owned by the Council and 3.5 hectares leased from Pitlochry Estate. It's currently managed as an attractive, accessible, ecologically important woodland and provides a natural space for exercise and community interaction. The Black Spout Woods Management Plan is a new plan and will guide Community Greenspace’s... More
    Opened 17 March 2023
189 results. Page 4 of 7