Sale of 82 square metres of land, private parking, Myre Cottage, 11 Smith Street, Kinross

Closed 3 Jun 2022

Opened 8 Apr 2022

Feedback updated 20 Sep 2023

We asked

For comments on the proposal for a disposal of ground to the owners of Myre Cottage, Smith Street, Kinross. The Council sold the residential dwelling, Myre Cottage in 1967, and the area has been utilised for the purpose of property access and parking by the current and previous owners of Myre Cottage since that time. 

You said

No responses were received.  

We did

The Council completed the sale of the land to the owners of Myre Cottage. 

Results updated 29 Jun 2022

No comments / objections were received. 


The aim of the consultation is to provide an opportunity to comment on the proposal for a disposal of ground to the owners of Myre Cottage, Smith Street, Kinross. The Council sold the residential dwelling, Myre Cottage in 1967, and the area has been utilised for the purpose of property access and parking by the current and previous owners of Myre Cottage since that time. The subjects are shown outlined in red on the plan attached.

It is proposed that Perth & Kinross Council grant a disposal of land to the owner of Myre Cottage, 11 Smith Street, Kinross, with the owner paying the Council market value for the land. The subjects are to be used as per existing use, for private parking and access to a private property.  

Why your views matter

The ground proposed to be sold has Common Good status and the Council is consulting as part of the requirement in the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 to capture the opinions of the community in the decision-making process


What happens next

Following the public consultation here and additional earlier consultation with the Kinross Community Council, Perth and Kinross Council have received no negative feedback to the proposals to sell this small private parking area to the adjoining property owner. A report will now be submitted seeking approval from the Kinross-shire Local Committee to dispose of the subjects from the Kinross Common Good, with the sales proceeds being allocated back to the Common Good fund if approval to sell is granted.


  • Action Partnership Locality - Kinross-shire
  • Ward 8 - Kinross-shire


  • Any Audience


  • Land and Property