184 results
Birks of Aberfeldy Management Plan Public Consultation
We are consulting on a new Management Plan for the Birks of Aberfeldy. This Plan will guide our management of the site for the next 5 years and has been drawn up in consultation with the Birks of Aberfeldy Community Group, Nature Scot and others. We’re consulting now as we would like a broader endorsement of the proposals and action plan set out within the Plan and to improve it by taking on board the views of the wider community. MoreClosed 17 April 2022 -
Lease of Land 0.140 Acres, Weighbridge Site, Harbour Road, Perth
The aim of the consultation is to provide an opportunity to comment on the proposal for a lease to be granted to Calport Limited of an area of land extending to 0.140 acres together with weighbridge and associated buildings at Harbour Road Perth. This is to replace an existing lease to Calport Limited which has been in place since 28 th May 1992 and is due to expire 27 th May 2022. The leased subjects are shown outlined in red on the following plan. The... MoreClosed 14 April 2022 -
Perth Surface Water Management Plan - Community Survey
We are keen to consult with residents and businesses in Perth with regards to surface water flooding. Surface water flooding typically occurs when rainwater does not drain away through the normal drainage systems or soak into the ground but lies on or flows over the ground itself. The risk of surface water flooding is expected to increase due to the impacts of climate change, with rain storms (particularly in the summer) becoming more frequent and intense. ... MoreClosed 1 April 2022 -
Tenant Satisfaction Survey 2022
Perth & Kinross Council Housing Services is committed to listening to you and using your views to continually improve the services we provide. To help us achieve this we regularly carry out tenant satisfaction surveys. The survey asks for your views on the services we provide, how we communicate with you, priorities on how we spend your rent money and how happy you are with your home and neighbourhood. This will allow us to develop Housing Services in line with... MoreClosed 31 March 2022 -
Period Products in Perth and Kinross
Have your say on free period products in Perth and Kinross! Whether you have used the free period products scheme or not, we want to hear from you. As you might know, free period products have been available in Perth and Kinross for a few years now. You can access them in schools, and from lots of different facilities. We know that 2020/21 was an unusual year for lots of reasons, and your situation might have changed since we last asked for your thoughts ... MoreClosed 25 March 2022 -
Alyth Natural Flood Management Study
We are keen to consult with residents regarding their experiences of flooding in Alyth. We have recently engaged consulting engineers, AECOM, to carry out a natural flood management study for Alyth. This work will involve reviewing and modelling existing flood conditions and the consideration of potential natural measures to address flood risk. This is an identified action within the current Tay Local Flood Risk Management Plan (which can be viewed at: www.pkc.gov.uk/frmplans ). ... MoreClosed 18 March 2022 -
Food Waste Survey #FoodWasteEqualsClimateChange
Reducing our Food Waste is a really easy way to do our bit to reduce climate change. For the average household in Perth and Kinross, with 3 kerbside bins (blue, brown and green), one third of their general waste bin is filled with food waste – and a large proportion of this is still edible. To help and encourage householders to reduce the amount of avoidable food waste produced, and to assist householders in diverting unavoidable food waste from landfill, Perth & Kinross... MoreClosed 14 February 2022 -
1140 hours - Early Learning & Childcare Consultation
Since February 2021, Perth & Kinross Council has been meeting the requirement to deliver 1140 funded hours of Early Learning and Childcare to all eligible children. Perth & Kinross Education and Children’s Services has developed 11 ELC communities with each offering a range of ELC options including local authority, partner provider and childminder settings. These settings aim to offer high quality learning experiences and flexible hours that suit families’ needs. This Consultation seeks... MoreClosed 5 February 2022 -
Perth and Kinross Local Housing Strategy for 2022-27
The Local Housing Strategy (LHS) for Perth and Kinross is being updated, and we want you to tell us your thoughts on housing in the area. The LHS sets out how we and our partners will address housing issues and demand in our area over the next five years. Our LHS for 2016-21 is coming to an end, and so a new strategy is now being drafted. The new LHS will provide our vision for delivering housing across Perth and Kinross beween 2022-27, as well as... MoreClosed 31 January 2022 -
Davies Park Play Area Consultation
*** SEE FOOT OF PAGE FOR SEPTEMBER 2024 UPDATE*** Perth & Kinross Council look after over 160 play areas across the region, from large facilities at our major parks to rural and local play areas right on your doorstep. Davis Park play area in Kinross has now come to the top of our list and in order to make improvements which suit everybody's needs, we're asking you to take part in our small survey and consultation. MoreClosed 31 January 2022 -
Loch Leven Special Protection Area and Ramsar Site Guidance
The Loch Leven Special Protection Area and Ramsar Site Guidance relates to the protection of the Loch Leven Catchment Area. Loch Leven is designated as a Special Protection Area (SPA) and RAMSAR site. SPA and RAMSAR sites are internationally important wildlife sites. The guidance provides advice on the implementation of Policy 46 in the Local Development Plan 2. It describes the steps new development must take to protect the loch and setting out the information to be provided in planning... MoreClosed 24 January 2022 -
Auchterarder Public Space CCTV
Auchterarder Community Council has identified funding to introduce Public Space CCTV in Auchterarder. As part of the Privacy Impact Assessment it is important to establish how people in Auchterarder feel about the proposal and if they are supportive. Background Perth & Kinross Council’s Public Space CCTV has been in operation for around 20 years and is monitored by Police Scotland. The Council's CCTV system currently consists of 35 cameras, mainly located... MoreClosed 14 January 2022 -
Craigie Burn Flood Study
We are keen to consult with residents regarding their experiences of flooding within the Craigie Burn catchment of Perth. In December 2015, SEPA published the Tay Flood Risk Management (FRM) Strategy and in June 2016, the Council published the Tay Local FRM Plan. Both of these documents can be viewed at www.pkc.gov.uk/frmplans and include the requirement for a flood protection study for the Craigie Burn as one of the selected actions for managing flood risk in the area. ... MoreClosed 7 January 2022 -
Rent Level Options for 2022/23
Each year in partnership with our tenants we review the rent levels we charge for the Housing services we provide. These annual reviews are necessary to ensure that we continue to meet our duties to you as a landlord, respond to your priorities and maintain high levels of service delivery. Any increase in rent is required to cover any additional costs such as inflation and price increases for stock and supplies, and to ensure we have enough money to maintain your home and... MoreClosed 24 December 2021 -
Perth & Kinross Council Budget Consultation 2022/23
Like all councils, we are preparing for very significant financial challenges ahead. Inflation continues to push up prices we pay for supplies such as energy and materials, as well as wages. The funding we receive has not kept pace with this inflation. There is also more demand on our services than ever before as we work to support a growing older population as well as recover from the global Covid-19 pandemic. There are increasing restrictions on the areas where we can make savings.... MoreClosed 19 December 2021 -
School Exclusion Zones
Perth & Kinross Council is seeking your opinion on our recently installed and planned School Exclusion Zones throughout the region. An example of one of these in action is shown in this video: MoreClosed 14 December 2021 -
Visitor Management in Rural Areas
Organisations across Scotland have come together to develop a nation-wide approach to visitor management, developing a Visitor Management Strategy for Scotland. This strategy identified five national visitor management hotspots, one of which is Highland Perthshire. The Perth and Kinross Visitor Management Group leads a co-ordinated approach to visitor management. The group has three sub-groups for Enforcement, Infrastructure, and Information. The partnership... MoreClosed 30 November 2021 -
Planning for Nature: Development Management and Wildlife Guide
Planning for Nature sets out the information applicants are expected to submit with planning applications on all scales to address Policy 41: Biodiversity in Local Development Plan 2. Planning Officers will use this guidance when they assess applications to make sure that proposals consider protected areas, wildlife and habitats, trees and woodland, early in the design process, and that measures to protect, support and enhance biodiversity are shown through the submitted designs. ... MoreClosed 31 October 2021 -
Draft Flood Risk Management Strategies and Local Flood Risk Management Plans
The Draft Flood Risk Management Strategies and Local Flood Risk Management Plans Consultation is being delivered by SEPA in partnership with local authorities across Scotland. For the purposes of managing flood risk, Scotland has been split into fourteen catchment areas – known as Local Plan Districts (LPDs) - and there is a Flood Risk Management Strategy and Local Flood Risk Management Plan for each. Perth & Kinross Council is lead local... MoreClosed 30 October 2021 -
Blackford Flood Protection Study
Perth & Kinross Council has been carrying out a flood protection study for the Blackford area and is seeking the views of the community on the draft outputs. MoreClosed 29 October 2021 -
Your Short Breaks, Your Say
Caring for a child or young person with a disability can be highly rewarding and is also at times demanding on a family. Perth & Kinross Council are reviewing the range of short break services offered to children and young people with disabilities. This survey will help to inform the review. The questionnaire is anonymous and should take no longer than five minutes to complete. You can also save your response and return to complete later. Please note your comments may be... MoreClosed 29 October 2021 -
Penny4YourThoughts - Public Toilet Facilities in Perth and Kinross
Perth & Kinross Council (PKC) would like to know what you think about the 13 public toilets in Perth and Kinross and whether they meet your needs. The Council would also like to know if the public toilets and comfort schemes are in places where you need them or if you’d like to ‘spend a penny’ in other places. MoreClosed 18 October 2021 -
Crieff Public Space CCTV
Perth & Kinross Council has identified funding to introduce Public Space CCTV in Crieff. As part of the Privacy Impact Assessment it is important to establish how people in Crieff feel about the proposal and if they are supportive. Background Perth & Kinross Council’s Public Space CCTV has been in operation for around 20 years and is monitored by Police Scotland. The Council's CCTV system currently consists of 35 cameras, mainly located within Perth City... MoreClosed 6 September 2021 -
Lease of Land at Davie Park, Rattray (Blairgowrie) to Enable the Development of a 3G Pitch with Community Facilities
The aim of the consultation is to provide an opportunity to comment on the proposal to grant a lease to Blairgowrie and Rattray Community Football Club (BRCFC) for 25 years at Davie Park. The consultation will include opportunities for the communities of Blairgowrie, Rattray and the surrounding area to contribute their views via email or by post. The consultation will run for 8 weeks from 18 June to 16 August 2021. Following this consultation, feedback once collated will... MoreClosed 16 August 2021 -
Draft Licensing Policy Statement - Licensing of Sexual Entertainment Venues ("SEV Policy Statement")
The Scottish Government has introduced legislation giving Council’s a discretionary power to licence Sexual Entertainment Venues (SEVs) in their area. Perth and Kinross Council’s Licencing Committee passed a resolution on 19 November 2020 to licence SEVs in Perth and Kinross. The powers to licence SEVs will come into force on 19 November 2021. Following consultation with interested groups which took place between 16 January 2020 and 6 April 2020, members of the public, local... MoreClosed 31 July 2021 -
Thimblerow Development Brief
Perth and Kinross Council is preparing a Development Brief for the site of Thimblerow car park at the junction of Caledonian Road and the High Street. The vision for this site is to create a high quality, low carbon city centre living experience and improve the public realm. The Brief will provide detailed information on how this can be achieved, complementing the policies and site requirements already set out in the Local Development Plan . MoreClosed 26 July 2021 -
Participation in Perth & Kinross Council Central Music Groups and Music Camps
We are contacting stakeholders to gather views on the purpose and membership of our Central Music Groups and Music Camps which are run by the Perth & Kinross Council Instrumental Music Service . Link opens in a new tab. These groups and residential camps bring young people together to play music in ensemble situations. Parents and carers can apply for their young people to join these groups upon payment of a fee that contributes towards the total cost of... MoreClosed 21 June 2021 -
Ancillary & Annex Accommodation Supplementary Guidance
Ancillary & Annex Accommodation is a development that is connected but sometimes physically separate from the main dwelling house. It can provide office or living space within the garden grounds of a house, allowing the occupants flexibility for home-working or visitors. It can also sometimes give families the opportunity to support relatives financially or practically whilst retaining a sense of independence. The Ancillary & Annex Accommodation (draft) is... MoreClosed 11 June 2021 -
Rent Setting 2022/23 - Your Rent, Your Say, Your Priorities
Our rent setting process for 2022/23 has started. It’s very important we understand what matters to you, our tenants, when it comes to how we invest in your homes and in the housing services we deliver for you. This survey tells us what you think we should prioritise your rent money on. We are asking you to tell us what your main priorities are from the information detailed in this consultation. MoreClosed 31 May 2021 -
The new primary school at Bertha Park & future of Ruthvenfield Primary School pre-consultation
Perth and Kinross Council Lifelong Learning Committee has approved a new build primary school to be located at Bertha Park adjacent to Bertha Park High School. A catchment needs to be created for the new school. The catchment review will also consider the future of Ruthvenfield Primary School. We are looking to gather the views of parents/carers and the wider community who will be impacted as a result of the formation of a new catchment area for the new school at Bertha... MoreClosed 21 May 2021
184 results.
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