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34 results

  • Draft Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Supplementary Guidance

    The Draft Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Supplementary Guidance provides detailed guidance on the application of Policy 33: Renewable and Low-Carbon Energy in the proposed Local Development Plan 2 (LDP2). The Guidance is aimed at assisting developers, decision makers and those preparing or commenting on planning applications. It covers a range of renewable and low carbon energy technologies including wind, solar, hydropower, anaerobic digestion, woody biomass and waste sources. A... More
    Opened 19 August 2019
  • Draft Green and Blue Infrastructure Supplementary Guidance

    The Green and Blue Infrastructure Supplementary Guidance sets out the framework for the creation of a strategic green and blue network for the benefit of people and wildlife in Perth & Kinross. It will be used to support the delivery of Local Development Plan Policy 40: Green Infrastructure which requires all development proposals to contribute towards green infrastructure. The Guidance is aimed primarily at developers and others involved in the preparation and consideration of planning... More
    Opened 19 August 2019
  • Draft Forest and Woodland Strategy

    This consultation is seeking views of the public and interested parties on our updated Forest & Woodland Strategy (2019) . The Forest & Woodland Strategy provides advice and guidance on woodland and forestry proposals. It is also a strategic framework to help shape the management of existing, and planting of new, woodland and forests across Perth & Kinross. This consultation provides an opportunity to comment on how we promote sustainable woodland and forest management across Perth... More
    Opened 19 August 2019
  • Draft Landscape Supplementary Guidance

    The Landscape Supplementary Guidance provides detailed guidance on the application of Policy 39: Landscape in the proposed Local Development Plan 2 (LDP2) and in particular the final paragraph of the policy. This paragraph details how applicants are expected to address Local Landscape Area designations. The Guidance is aimed at assisting developers, decision makers and those preparing or commenting on planning applications. It covers a general recognition of the value of... More
    Opened 19 August 2019
34 results. Page 2 of 2