189 results
Free Period Products in Perth and Kinross 2024/25
Free Period Products have been available in Perth and Kinross since 2018. This consulation calls for views on the current provision across the region and any improvements we can make to enhance the scheme, particularly in the areas of education and awareness. MoreClosed 19 July 2024 -
Proposed Lease, Area of Bus/Coach Spaces, South Inch Car Park, Perth
The Council has agreed terms in principle with Ember Core Limited for a lease of an area of the bus spaces in the South Inch Car park, Perth as a location to install a charging facility to support buses and routes running from Perth City Centre. The lease subjects are shown outlined in red on plan (D-P-103a) below. Ember Core Limited own and run electric intercity buses on routes from Dundee to Ediburgh but are looking at future expansion, including the potential... MoreClosed 23 June 2024 -
Rent Setting 2025/26 - Your Rent, Your Say, Your Priorities
Our rent setting process for 2025/26 starts here! It’s very important we understand what matters to you, our tenants, when it comes to how we invest in your homes and in the housing services we deliver for you. We would like you to let us know what your main priorities are when it comes to spending money on your housing services. MoreClosed 14 June 2024 -
Alyth NFM Study Community Event
Perth & Kinross Council has been carrying out a natural flood managment (NFM) study for the Alyth area and is seeking the views of the community on the draft outputs. Community drop-in sessions are being held on 28 and 30 May 2024 at the Alyth Town Hall (3-7pm). These event will allow the community to view and comment on the extensive work carried out as part of the Alyth NFM Study, including the best available understanding of flood risk in the catchment and the draft findings from the... MoreClosed 14 June 2024 -
Proposed Lease Extension of 0.383 acre Site, Friarton Road, Perth
The Council currently leases a site extending approximately to 0.383 acres at Friarton Road, Perth to Scottish Water. The site is used by Scottish Water for the purpose of a sludge reception centre . The current lease expired 27 May 2023 and has been continuing on tacit relocation since then. The Council is proposing to formally extend the period of lease for a further 15 years with effect from 28 May 2023. The leased subjects are shown outlined in red on the location plan shown... MoreClosed 10 June 2024 -
Housing Common Allocations Policy Review
The Common Housing Register provides a single application process for people looking to access social housing in Perth and Kinross. Partners in the Common Housing Register are Perth & Kinross Council, Caledonia, Hillcrest and Kingdom Housing Associations. The Common Allocations Policy sets out the policy that applications are assessed against across all providers. The current Policy has been in place since 2019 and it’s time for us to undertake a review. ... MoreClosed 22 May 2024 -
Community Group or Project Mapping
We want to hear if your community, group or organisation are working together on projects associated with the environment and climate change. This could cover biodiversity, transport, active travel, land use, food, homes and buildings, energy, waste, business, awareness raising and adaptation. This survey takes 5 minutes to complete. This information collected in this survey will be shared on our interactive web map to encourage collaboration between groups, increase volunteer... MoreOpened 16 April 2024 -
Anti-Poverty Strategy for Perth and Kinross 2024–2030
Perth and Kinross Council, the local Anti-Poverty Task Force and our community partners are developing a strategy that will help us to tackle poverty in the area. We want to hear your views so we can develop an inclusive and innovative Anti-Poverty Strategy that will help to reduce the numbers of people living in poverty in Perth and Kinross. Why we need an Anti-Poverty Strategy Across Perth and Kinross it is estimated that 30,000 people are living... MoreClosed 12 April 2024 -
Future Use of High Street/Crown Inn Wynd Toilet Block, Auchterarder
Following a Budget decision taken by Councillors in March 2023, the High Street/Crown Inn Wynd toilet block in Auchterarder has been declared surplus by Perth and Kinross Council. While the Council will no longer operate public toilets in this location, local Perth & Kinross Comfort Scheme Partners Cafe Kisa (127-129 High Street) and The Niblick public house (2 Crown Court) have extended their toilet facility provision to being on a year-round basis. Please click here for... MoreClosed 8 April 2024 -
Draft British Sign Language (BSL) Local Plan 2024-29
The British Sign Language (BSL) Scotland Act 2015 states that each local authority must have a local BSL Plan. These local plans ensure that all Council services are inclusive and accessible for BSL users. We are in the process of updating our local BSL Plan and have developed a draft plan for 2024-29. Officers from different Council services have worked closely with BSL users and the people who support them to ensure the draft plan is designed with their needs in mind.... MoreClosed 29 March 2024 -
Blairgowrie & Rattray SWMP Consultation Event
Perth & Kinross Council has been carrying out a surface water managment plan for the Blairgowrie & Rattray area and is seeking the views of the community on the draft outputs. All of the details relating to the study can be found in the Council’s newsletter (below) which has also been distributed to local residents and businesses. MoreClosed 22 March 2024 -
Early learning and childcare consultation 2023-24
Perth & Kinross Council is seeking the views of parents and carers with babies, under-fives and school-age children regarding care and early education provision in the local area. We are also interested in your views if you are planning or expecting to have children. If you would like more information on any aspect of childcare or funded early learning and childcare provision in Perth and Kinross then you should contact the Childcare and Family Information Service email ... MoreClosed 17 March 2024 -
Proposed Lease of Café, MacRosty Park Pavilion, Crieff PH7 4ED
The aim of the consultation is to gather public views on whether PKC should lease out the MacRosty Park pavilion to a café operator. This is an opportunity to comment on the proposal for a lease to be granted with the following terms: The proposed start date is March 2024 or such other date as may be agreed following submission of a report to the Crieff Common Good Committee. The lease duration is for a period of 3 years; The... MoreClosed 12 February 2024 -
Proposed Lease of Shop, 2 North Port, Perth, PH1 5LU
The aim of the consultation is to provide an opportunity to comment on the proposal for a lease to be granted to Klaudyna Karnia for the commercial property at 2 North Port, Perth. It is proposed that a lease be granted with the following terms: The proposed start date is 28 February 2024; The lease duration is for a period of 3 years; The Tenant will have an option to terminate the lease annually on the anniversary of... MoreClosed 16 January 2024 -
Perth & Kinross Council Budget Consultation 2024-2025
As a Council we are committed to serving the people and communities of Perth and Kinross and delivering the best possible services that we can within the resources at our disposal. In doing this we recognise that we need to continually consider what makes the biggest difference to those in the greatest need. The pandemic has only added to the significant and increasingly complex challenges we face. The equalities gap we were working to address has widened and... MoreClosed 7 January 2024 -
Rent Level Options for 2024/25
Each year, in partnership with our tenants, we review the rent levels we charge for the Housing Services we provide. These annual reviews are necessary to ensure that we continue to meet our duties to you as a landlord, respond to your priorities and maintain high levels of service delivery. For the seventh year we are consulting and engaging with you over the level of rent to be set for the next year - 2024/25. We want to give all tenants a voice in decisions that affect you, your... MoreClosed 22 December 2023 -
Tay Forest National Park
The Scottish Government has announced its intention to create at least one new national park. In March 2023, we agreed to make budget provision to support a bid submission for a new national park in northern Perthshire, called the Tay Forest National Park. The opportunity to submit a bid to create a new national park is a rare opportunity to seek international recognition for Highland Perthshire’s outstanding natural beauty and rich cultural and... MoreClosed 1 December 2023 -
Review of Parliamentary Polling Districts and Polling Places
Parliamentary polling districts and polling places set out the arrangements in place in order that all electors may cast their vote. The Council is to undertake a statutory review of these every 5 years. This consultation is open to anyone with an interest. MoreClosed 16 November 2023 -
Unpaid Work Orders
Unpaid work orders are put in place when someone who has committed a crime is sentenced to carry out work in the community. As part of its response to Scotland’s Community Justice strategy, Perth & Kinross Council’s Justice Services are seeking the views of the public to understand their awareness of what people on unpaid work do, whether they think it works, and what other community jobs could be undertaken. MoreClosed 5 November 2023 -
Playing Out in Perth and Kinross
We would like to know what you think about the local spaces where you play and spend time with your friends. This survey is intended for children and young people, but we encourage parents and guardians to take part in the activity! We are looking for your input on both formal and informal play spaces. Formal spaces are specifically designed and managed for play, such as a playground, skatepark, or playing field. Informal play spaces are other areas where you play and spend time with... MoreClosed 31 October 2023 -
Tenant Participation Strategy (TPS) 2024-27
The Tenant Participation Strategy (TPS) for Perth and Kinross Council is being updated, and we want you to tell us your thoughts on what matters to you as a tenant of Perth and Kinross Council when it comes to participation. Tenant Participation is about tenants taking part in the Council's decision making processes so that you can influence decisions relating to housing and housing-related services. The TPS sets... MoreClosed 31 October 2023 -
Perth and Kinross Local Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategy 2024-2045 Consultation
This consultation seeks your views on the draft vision, priorities and actions which will shape the first Perth and Kinross Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) and accompanying 5-year Delivery Plan (2024-2029). The Perth and Kinross LHEES is driven by Scotland’s overarching statutory targets for greenhouse gas emissions reduction and fuel poverty. MoreClosed 29 October 2023 -
Lease of Perth Museum (formerly known as Perth City Hall), St John’s Place, Perth, PH1 5SZ
Perth and Kinross Council propose to lease the property now known as and forming Perth Museum (formerly Perth City Hall), St John’s Place, Perth to Culture Perth & Kinross (Scottish Charity Number SC046353), a charitable trust. Culture Perth & Kinross operates as a company limited by guarantee and has, as its primary object, the advancement of the visual and applied arts, heritage and culture. The plan attached shows the location of Perth Museum and the extent of the... MoreClosed 23 October 2023 -
South Kinross Flood Scheme
Kinross has experienced a history of flooding from the South Queich, the Gelly Burn and the Clash Burn. The most recent significant flood events occurred in January 1993, December 2006 and February and August 2020. It is estimated that approximately 194 homes and businesses are currently at risk of flooding. In order to address this, we engaged consulting engineers, RPS, to develop proposals for a flood protection scheme in the area. We are now ready to consult... MoreClosed 20 October 2023 -
Primary Care GP Premises Patient Survey
Perth and Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership is keen to hear patients’ views about their GP premises. This survey is for residents of Perth & Kinross. Your responses will give us a better understanding of how patients view their local GP practice or health centre and help us to understand what patients think about how we should be planning for the future of service provision in local communities. MoreClosed 15 October 2023 -
Big Place Conversation
What is the Big Place Conversation? The Big Place Conversation aims to find out from you what is good in your town, village or neighbourhood and what could be improved, and what it might need in the future. This will help produce the next Local Development Plan, Mobility Strategy and could also help your community develop its own Local Place Plan or Community Action Plan. The information that is gathered will also help inform other Council departments as to what is needed in... MoreClosed 15 October 2023 -
Sale of Wellmeadow House, Gas Brae, Blairgowrie, PH10 6AY
Perth and Kinross Council propose to sell Wellmeadow House, Gas Brae, Blairgowrie, PH10 6AY to Strathmore Centre for Youth Development (SCYD) a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. The plan below shows the location of Wellmeadow House and the extent of the area proposed to be sold. The area is coloured red on the plan and extends to 0.059 acres. SCYD have leased Wellmeadow House from the Council since 2013.... MoreClosed 10 October 2023 -
“Planning a Better Future Together” - Perth and Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership
This consultation will help the Perth and Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership understand current and future health and social care needs of the local population, in order to shape how health and social care services will be provided over the next 3 years. MoreClosed 4 September 2023 -
Dreachd Phlana Gàidhlig 2023-28 / Draft Gaelic Language Plan 2023-28
Under the Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005, Perth & Kinross Council has a statutory obligation to support Gaelic through the development of a Gaelic Language Plan to help ensure that Gaelic continues to thrive. This is the Council’s third plan, setting out the next phase of work to promote Gaelic and increase its learning and use in Perth and Kinross. Àrd-shealladh Fo Achd na Gàidhlig (Alba) 2005, tha dleastanas reachdail air Comhairle Pheairt is Cheann... MoreClosed 31 August 2023 -
Review of Scheme of Establishment of Community Councils
The Scheme of Establishment sets out the rules and guidance for the establishment and running of community councils in Perth and Kinross. We are undertaking a periodic review of the Scheme to ensure it is fit for purpose in 2024. This consultation is open to anyone with an interest. MoreClosed 25 August 2023
189 results.
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