Rent Setting 2025/26 - Your Rent, Your Say, Your Priorities

Closed 14 Jun 2024

Opened 17 Apr 2024

Feedback updated 2 Jul 2024

We asked

We asked you to tell us what your priorities for rent spending were for 2025/26 across your Housing Services.

You said

Over 1,200 of our tenants responded, which is a record amount for this annual consultation.

You can view the results of the consultation below.

We did

The results were fed back to tenants who attended the Summer Tenants' Conference on June 27th 2024.

Further discussions were held at the event about the results and what services tenants want to see.

Your feedback will allow us to put together some rent level options for 2025/26 that will go out for consultation with tenants in November and December 2024. You will be able to vote for your preferred rent level during this consultation. 

The results on the rent level consultation will be included in a report to the Housing and Social Wellbeing Committee in January 2025, where a final decision on 2025/26 rent levels will be made.

Results updated 2 Jul 2024

The results of this consultation can be viewed below. 

Thank you to everyone who took part.




Our rent setting process for 2025/26 starts here! It’s very important we understand what matters to you, our tenants, when it comes to how we invest in your homes and in the housing services we deliver for you.

We would like you to let us know what your main priorities are when it comes to spending money on your housing services.

Why your views matter

Your views are important as we continue to deal with the cost-of-living crisis, so please take a few minutes to complete this survey.

The choices we have given you are based on what tenants have previously told us they would like to see their rent money spent on. 

As well as the options below we will continue to increase the number of homes we make available though our new build and buy back programmes. This is something you have told us each year is a priority for you. We are also required by law to ensure that your home is maintained safely and that we meet our statutory obligations in terms of servicing and compliance.

Feedback on the results of this survey will be given to you at the Tenants' Summer Conference tenants when you will have an opportunity to ask housing managers questions on spending priorities.

The conference will be held on Thursday 27th June at the Salutation Hotel, Perth, from 1.30pm - 3.30pm.

Your feedback will allow us to develop a number of rent level options for next year to deliver your priorities. You will be given the opportunity to vote on these options later this year.

Please complete the survey by Friday 14th June 2024. Everyone who responds has the choice to be entered into a prize draw to win one of four £50 High Street shopping vouchers.


  • All Perth & Kinross


  • Tenants and Residents Associations


  • Social Housing