Blairgowrie & Rattray SWMP Consultation Event

Closed 22 Mar 2024

Opened 23 Feb 2024

Feedback updated 25 Jun 2024

We asked

We asked the Blairgowrie & Rattray community about:

  • the flood risk from surface water and the Rattray Burn
  • the findings of the Blairgowrie & Rattray SWMP
  • other actions to raise awareness and improve community flood resilience

You said

A significant volume of feedback was received and has been captured in a public consultation report. This feedback was generally positive and a number of different concerns/queries were raised. The Q&A report sets out the feedback received, and the Council's answers to the questions posed. 

We did

The Council will now update and finalise the Blairgowrie & Rattray SWMP and report the conclusions to the next available Climate Change and Sustainability Committee. Thereafter, the Council will implement the recommendations of the reports (subject to funding and any statutory approvals). The Council will carry out further consultation with the community as proposals are further developed.

Results updated 25 Jun 2024

The Council would like to thank those that took the time to provide their comments on this project.

A Q&A report is available to view on this page which collates the comments received and provides the Council’s response to those questions.

The study findings will now be reported to the next available Climate Change & Sustainability Committee



Perth & Kinross Council has been carrying out a surface water managment plan for the Blairgowrie & Rattray area and is seeking the views of the community on the draft outputs.

All of the details relating to the study can be found in the Council’s newsletter (below) which has also been distributed to local residents and businesses.

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Why your views matter

Residents are encouraged to provide their views on the draft findings and recommendations.  Comments can be provided by completing the online survey on this page by Friday 22 March 2024.

What will happen next?

A response to any questions raised will be provided to the community in a ‘Question & Answer’ report.  The surface water managment plan will then be finalised, and we will report the outcome to the next available meeting of the Council’s Climate Change and Sustainability Committee. 

What happens next

A Question & Answer document will be produced following this event and will be circulated to the community in order to answer any queries/comments received prior to, and during the online event.

The draft SWMP will then be updated and finalised.  The conclusions will then be reported to the next Climate Change & Sustainability Committee.


  • Action Partnership Locality - Eastern Perthshire


  • All Residents of Perth and Kinross


  • Flooding
  • Climate Change