Perth & Kinross Offer - Equalities Conversations

Closed 30 Apr 2020

Opened 24 Feb 2020

Feedback updated 30 Apr 2021

We asked

We asked about the experiences of people from equalities groups in Perth and Kinross to identify priorities for action and develop ways for individuals, communities, public and third sector to work together.

More specifically, we asked about:

  • the extent to which people feel heard and listened to;
  • how able people feel to influence local decisions;
  • any barriers or disadvantage that people experience;
  • what issues are important to people.

You said

Space and influence emerged as over arching themes in our conversations. Many of the issues could be addressed more easily if people had easier access to space, had a greater part in determining and setting agendas and more opportunities to use their knowledge, experience, ideas and energy.


We did

We are now planning to:

  • continue the conversations, hearing from a wide range of people.
  • share what we have learned with the Strategic Equalities Forum and with different services.
  • work to connect people and groups with other discussions and decisions, where they wish to be more involved.
  • work with people and groups to find better ways of doing things. We will start by looking at access to community space.

Results updated 30 Apr 2021

To date, we have had 16 conversations with 76 people from a range of groups. Those conversations have taken place in Perth, Crieff, Kinross and online. We have heard from people from the local South Asian, Chinese, Gypsy/ Traveller and LGBT+ communities and at the Perth Six Circle Project. We have spoken to young people, older people, disabled people, ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) learners and people with learning disabilities. Conversations started just before the first lockdown in 2020 and at the time of writing, we are still in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although this has limited the number of people and the different groups we have been able to talk to, the conversations to date have provided rich and useful information, insights and connections.

We used the Place Standard Tool to structure the conversations which essentially asks, ‘What is it like to be a person in this place? 

The Place Standard wheel diagram below shows people’s priorities. Natural space scores highly. Aspects that people feel need to be improved include social interaction and influence and sense of control.

Picture showing the Place Standard Tool

Through this we have been able to answer the questions we set out to and to identify important issues to investigate further. We are very grateful to everyone who has taken part. We have already learned a lot from your experiences, knowledge and ideas. We have tried to share all that learning here and we look forward to future conversations with you and others. We summarise what we have heard below before briefly discussing what we have understood from this. More detail can be found in the main report which follows where we also include participants’ comments which more effectively communicate important points.

You can read a a full update report on what we have been hearing from communities and/or take a look at our overview of what we have learned.




This consultation comprises of a series of conversations with equality-protected groups in Perth and Kinross.

Touching on a range of topics from public transport and feeling safe to social contact and natural space, we want to:

  • hear about people’s experiences
  • understand what’s important to people
  • think about ways we can work together to make Perth and Kinross better for everyone. 

Why your views matter

Through these conversations we want to understand the experiences of people from equalities groups in Perth and Kinross to identify priorities for action and develop ways for individuals, communities, public and third sector to work together.

More specifically, we are interested in:

  • the extent to which people feel heard and listened to;
  • how able people feel to influence local decisions;
  • any barriers or disadvantage that people experience;
  • what issues are important to people.

These conversations take place in the context of the Perth & Kinross Offer which is designed to transform the way the Council works with communities, citizens, partners and businesses so that everyone in Perth and Kinross can live life well.

In this context, it is important that everyone’s voice can be heard and that people have the opportunity to be involved in developing new ways of working together on issues that are important to them.

The conversations will be structured using the Place Standard tool. This allows discussion of people’s experiences of both social and physical aspects of Perth and Kinross. It encourages us to recognise what is good, as well as where improvements could be made. The process also helps to identify priorities and to discuss possible actions we could take together.

These conversations are part of a process, not the end of a process. Following the conversations, it will be important to think about what opportunities there might be for us to develop and build on the discussions.

The Equalities Team and the Perth & Kinross Offer Team will be working together to carry out this process. Team members will contact individuals and groups to take part and will arrange to have the conversations at a time and place convenient to the participants.


  • All Perth & Kinross


  • Community Groups/Organisations
  • Asylum Seekers and Refugees
  • Children and Young People
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People
  • Men
  • Minority Ethnic Groups
  • Older People
  • Parents, Carers and Guardians
  • People with Disabilities
  • Women


  • Disabilities
  • Faith and Belief
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Race
  • Sexual Orientation