Dreachd Phlana Gàidhlig 2023-28 / Draft Gaelic Language Plan 2023-28

Closed 31 Aug 2023

Opened 7 Aug 2023

Results expected 4 Oct 2023


Under the Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005, Perth & Kinross Council has a statutory obligation to support Gaelic through the development of a Gaelic Language Plan to help ensure that Gaelic continues to thrive. This is the Council’s third plan, setting out the next phase of work to promote Gaelic and increase its learning and use in Perth and Kinross.


Fo Achd na Gàidhlig (Alba) 2005, tha dleastanas reachdail air Comhairle Pheairt is Cheann Rois taic a chumail ris a’ Ghàidhlig tro leasachadh Plana Gàidhlig gus dèanamh cinnteach gun lean a’ Ghàidhlig a’ soirbheachadh. Is e seo an treas plana aig a’ Chomhairle, a’ mìneachadh na h-ath ìre de dh’obair gus a’ Ghàidhlig adhartachadh agus a h-ionnsachadh agus a cleachdadh ann am Peairt is Ceann Rois a mheudachadh.

A photo collage showing signage with Gaelic translation and a picture of Scheiallion

Why your views matter

Gathering feedback on our draft Gaelic Language Plan will inform our final version to be presented to key stakeholders for approval ahead of publication later in the year.

Take the opportunity to read the existing draft and let us know what you think should be changed, omitted, and what should be added if it’s not already there.

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You can save your response and return to complete at your convenience until the closing date.The Public Consultation will run from 7th August to 31st August 2023.

The Gaelic Language Plan will be revised to take account of your feedback and will be considered by Perth & Kinross Council on 04 October 2023.

If you or somebody you know would like a copy of this document in another language or format (on occasion only a summary document will be provided in translation) this can be arranged by contacting the Customer Service Centre on 01738 475000. You can also send us a text message on 07824 498145. All Council Services can offer a telephone translation facility.

Tha Ur Beachdan Cudromach

Bidh fios air-ais air an dreachd Phlana Gàidhlig againn na chuideachadh gus an dreachd mu dheireadh a chruthachadh airson aonta fhaighinn bho prìomh luchd-ùidh mus tèid fhoillseachadh nas fhaide air adhart sa bhliadhna.

Gabh an cothrom an dreachd a th’ againn mar-thà a leughadh agus innis dhuinn na tha sibh a’ smaoineachadh a bu chòir dhuinn atharrachadh, fhàgail às, agus, nas cudromaiche, dè bu chòir dhuinn a chur ris mura h-eil e ann mar-thà.  

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Cuiribh thugainn ur beachdan anns a’ bhogsa “Thoiribh Ur Beachdan” gu h-ìosal.  Faodar ur freagairt a shabhaladh agus crìoch a chuir air a-rithist gus an deit dùnaidh. Bidh a’ Cho-chomhairle Poblach a’ ruith bho 07 An Lùnastal gu 31 An Lùnastal 2023.

Thèid lèirmheas a dhèanamh air a’ Phlana an-deidh ur beachdan fhaighinn agus thèid beachdachadh air aig Comhairle Pheairt is Cheann Rois air 04 An Dàmhair 2023.

Ma thathar ag iarraidh leth-bhreac ann an cànan eile no dreach eile (ag amannan ’s e dìreach giorrachadh a thèid a sholarachadh) agus gheibhear seo bho Sheirbheisean Chustamairean air 01738 475000 no cuiribh thugainn teacs air 07824498145. The seirbheasean eadar-theangachaidh air a’ Chomhairle cuideachd.


  • All Perth & Kinross


  • Anyone from any background


  • Any Interest