Proposed Disposal of Common Good Moveable Property at 1-5 High Street, Perth

Closes 18 Nov 2024

Opened 16 Sep 2024


Under the terms of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015, every Local Authority in Scotland is duty bound to prepare and publish a comprehensive register of all Common Good assets within their ownership.

Common Good

Common good assets are the heritable (land and buildings) and moveable (paintings, furniture, etc.) property that belonged to the former Burghs of Scotland. Common Good assets are owned by the local authority, although administered separately from other local authority funds for accounting purposes.

More detailed guidance (opens in new tab) has been made available by the Scottish Land Commission, as to what constitutes Common Good.

Following the recent production of the Common Good Land Register and map of assets, we are now looking to develop a register of Moveable Common Good Property with a draft register to be published in due course. It has however, come to our attention that we are in possession of several items of furniture at the Council’s premises at 1-5 High Street which may belong to the Common Good. Some of these items are considered to have cultural significance, whilst others have limited value to the Common Good. Neither the Council nor Culture Perth & Kinross have sufficient room to continue to store this furniture. Accordingly, consideration is being given to the other options, most obviously, disposal or transfer to organisations who may have a use for them.

A photographic inventory of these items, together with a note of their condition, is available at the bottom of this page.

Why your views matter

We are seeking your views on whether you consider it appropriate for this furniture to be disposed of, or whether you can suggest an alternative for its future use.

Personal information you provide, such as your name, may be used in a report to the Council, or one of its committees. Any report which is prepared may be accessible by the public. Your contact details will not appear in a report; they will be retained for a period of 12 months following the end of the consultation period before being deleted.

Your information will not be disclosed to third parties except as described above or if we are required to do so by law. The Council may check information provided by you with other information held by us, or by a third party, if it is necessary to do so for the purposes of preparing the Common Good Register .

For further information, please look at our website; email or phone 01738 477933.

Give us your views


  • Action Partnership Locality - Perth City
  • Ward 10 - Perth City South
  • Ward 11 - Perth City North
  • Ward 12 - Perth City Centre


  • Community Councils
  • Community Groups/Organisations
  • Community Planning Partners
  • Partner Agencies
  • All Residents of Perth and Kinross


  • Archives and Local History
  • Arts and Culture