Future Policy Development of Sexual Entertainment Venues
Feedback updated 23 Nov 2021
We asked
We asked for your views on the draft Sexual Entertainment Policy and received 4 comments from our online survey and other interested parties. Many thanks to those who provided comments.
You said
The majority of those who responded were in favour of the number of sexual entertainment venues in Perth and Kinross being fixed at zero. This is a rebuttable presumption which means that applications can still be made and will be individually considered, but applicants will have to overcome that presumption.
We did
Your feedback was included in a report to the Licensing Committee and your comments enabled them to make decisions on the final policy statement. The Council considered that it is appropriate that Sexual Entertainment Venues (SEV) should be licensed in order that both performers and customers benefit from a safe, regulated environment. View the Resolution and the final SEV Policy Statement here.
Results updated 20 Nov 2020
Results of this consultation were presented to the Licensing Committee on 19 November 2020.
- Consultation Results - Future Policy Development of Sexual Entertainment Venue, 27.8 KB (Office Word 2007 XML document)
Recently, the Scottish Government passed legislation giving Local Authorities a discretionary power to licence Sexual Entertainment Venues.
This consultation and evidence gathering process is undertaken to seek views on the licensing and regulation of Sexual Entertainment Venues, with the purpose of determining whether Sexual Entertainment Venues should be licensed within Perth and Kinross.
Why your views matter
This consultation is an important stage in the future decision making process and possible development of a Sexual Entertainment Venue policy statement. It is essential in establishing the evidential basis as to whether or not Sexual Entertainment Venues in Perth and Kinross should be licensed.
We are therefore seeking your views on a range of issues associated with Sexual Entertainment Venues. We are particularly keen to hear about the impact Sexual Entertainment Venues may have upon residents and businesses.
In particular, we are seeking views on:
- whether a licensing regime should be adopted to licence and regulate Sexual Entertainment Venues.
- what the appropriate number of Sexual Entertainment Venues in Perth and Kinross should be, if Sexual Entertainment Venues were to be licensed.
- if the Committee were to decide to pass a resolution to licence SEVs, what matters should be taken into consideration in the development of a Sexual Entertainment Venue policy statement.
Read the full Consultation Paper
Give Us Your Views
For further information on how the information you provide will be used, please read our Confidentiality and Data Protection Statement.
Clicking on the "I Agree" button below indicates that:
- you have read the Confidentiality and Data Protection Statement
- you agree to take part
What happens next
Once this consultation exercise has been completed, the Committee intends to hold evidence sessions with a representative cross section of those who have taken part in the consultation in order to further explore the views expressed and to assess the evidence available to support any decisions that are made by the Committee.
Following the consultation and evidence gathering process, the Committee will consider the views and evidence provided to it. If considered appropriate, it may agree a resolution and set an appropriate number of Sexual Entertainment Venues within Perth and Kinross. If a resolution is passed, a Sexual Entertainment Venues draft policy statement will be issued for further consultation.
All of the feedback received will be reviewed and evaluated before a final decision is made by the Committee regarding whether or not a resolution should be passed requiring Sexual Entertainment Venues to be licensed in Perth and Kinross.
- All Perth & Kinross
- Any Audience
- Licences and Permits
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