Thimblerow Development Brief
Feedback updated 7 Apr 2022
We asked
We consulted on this draft non-statutory guidance to allow key stakeholders including the public the opportunity to help shape the Development Brief.
You said
The consultation ran for 6 weeks from 14 June to 26 July 2021. Your comments were valuable and have been used to shape the final version of the guidance.
We did
Following this consultation, responses were analysed to inform revised guidance which was adopted at the Council’s Strategic Policy and Resources 1st September committee. There were 27 responses to the consultation, 21 of which were from members of the public, including a mixture of supportive comments and concerns. We prepared a report when preparing and finalising the guidance.
Results updated 7 Apr 2022
Perth and Kinross Council prepared a Development Brief for the site of Thimblerow car park at the junction of Caledonian Road and the High Street. The vision for this site is to create a high quality, low carbon city centre living experience and improve the public realm.
The Brief provides detailed information on how this can be achieved, complementing the policies and site requirements already set out in the Local Development Plan.
This guidance will be used when determining planning applications.
Perth and Kinross Council is preparing a Development Brief for the site of Thimblerow car park at the junction of Caledonian Road and the High Street. The vision for this site is to create a high quality, low carbon city centre living experience and improve the public realm.
The Brief will provide detailed information on how this can be achieved, complementing the policies and site requirements already set out in the Local Development Plan.
Why your views matter
As part of the planning process, we consult on non-statutory guidance to allow key stakeholders and the public to help shape the Development Brief.
We also welcome comments from anyone interested or involved in the planning process within Perth & Kinross Council.
The consultation will run for 6 weeks from 14 June to 26 July 2021. Following this consultation, responses will be analysed to inform the finalised guidance which will be presented to the Council for adoption.
What happens next
This consultation has now closed. Your comments are valuable and are being used to shape the final version of the guidance.
Following this consultation, responses have been analysed to inform revised guidance which will be presented to the Council’s Strategic Policy and Resources 1st September committee for adoption. We will prepare a report setting out the comments we received and an explanation of how these comments were taken into account when preparing and finalising the guidance. The finalised guidance will be adopted and considered when determining planning applications on this site.
- All Perth & Kinross
- Anyone from any background
- Any Interest
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