Meigle Community Orchard

Closed 6 Oct 2024

Opened 5 Aug 2024

Feedback updated 27 Jan 2025

We asked

In August 2024, we asked for views on the possible provision of community orchards in 3 separate areas around Glebeway in Meigle.

You said

The community expressed strong support for the initiative, although not necessarily in the proposed locations, emphasizing the importance of connecting with nature and teaching children how to live in harmony with the environment. There was shared enthusiasm for involving local schools and promoting horticulture as a lifelong skill, along with planting more trees to restore ecosystems and support biodiversity. Some suggested that the orchards be located elsewhere to ensure the best possible impact for both nature and the community through collaboration and shared responsibility.

Of the total number of comments received overall, 35% were in favour of planting orchards in these areas while 65% were against. 

We did

After considering the suggestions of alternative areas for the orchard we are now working with the Meigle and Ardler Community Development Trust and Meigle Primary School to create a food growing area in closer proximity to the school.

Results updated 14 Oct 2024

Thank you for taking part in the consultation.

The community expressed strong support for the initiative, although not necessarily in the proposed locations, emphasizing the importance of connecting with nature and teaching children how to live in harmony with the environment. There was shared enthusiasm for involving local schools and promoting horticulture as a lifelong skill, along with planting more trees to restore ecosystems and support biodiversity. Some suggested that the orchards be located elsewhere to ensure the best possible impact for both nature and the community through collaboration and shared responsibility.

Of the total number of comments received overall, 35% were in favour of planting orchards in these areas while 65% were against. There were a number of areas around the village suggested as alternative sites which we will investigate in due course.


Take a Pride in Meigle have recently had the opportunity to establish a new community orchard in three open spaces around Glebe Drive and Belmont Place in Meigle. They wish to grow around 30 fruit trees of different species, which will include some heritage varieties.

The group have recently been trained in fruit tree husbandry and orchard maintenance which includes pruning, harvesting and making good use of the fruit.

In partnership with our Community Food Growing Officer the group would like to inform the wider community of their proposals and to invite anyone with an interest to get involved.

Growing together

Locations of proposed orchard areas at Meigle. Area 1 beside number 3 Glebe Drive, area 2 beside number 6 Glebe Drive, Area 3 Belmont Place behind the manse

Why your views matter

While this has been introduced by Take a Pride in Meigle, this is your community orchard and so we need to hear everyone's views.  So if you live in the area or even if you're a regular visitor please click on the survey link below.  Your ideas and suggestions are welcomed too and will be invaluable in helping us take this project forward.

Whilst being relatively low maintenance, community orchards can bring a sense of ownership to those living in the area as well as providing essential habitats and food for pollinators and will most importantly result in delicious fresh produce for all the community to enjoy.


  • Action Partnership Locality - Eastern Perthshire
  • Ward 2 - Strathmore


  • Community Councils
  • Community Groups/Organisations
  • Environmental Groups
  • Rural Communities
  • Any Audience
  • All Residents of Perth and Kinross


  • Poverty and Inequality
  • Food Safety
  • Nature and Biodiversity
  • Climate Change
  • Public Space