Managed for Wildlife Trials 2022

Closed 31 Oct 2022

Opened 7 Feb 2022

Results updated 30 Mar 2023

Last year we ran a consultation throughout the Spring and Summer which resulted in 386 responses giving us over 500 comments to review with regards to the 45 trial areas.   We’ve now concluded our review of each of the trial sites taking into account the comments received and we’ll shortly be publishing the results here on the Consultation Hub website.  In the meantime, here’s an overview of the comments received, and the highlights of the wildlife monitoring carried out at each of the sites.



To improve biodiversity and help mitigate climate change we will be managing some areas in selected parks and other open spaces in a special way in 2022 on a trial basis. 

We will be managing areas within 8 sites with a view to improving these for native flowers, bees, butterflies and other wildlife by cutting the grass once in September/October and removing the trimmings. In addition, selected areas within 37 sites will be allowed to naturalise which will also help reduce our carbon footprint.  3 of our sites will have both styles of management on trial, these being Perth’s South Inch, Viewlands Reservoir and Larghan Park in Coupar Angus.

In many areas we will reduce the use of weedkiller and do less strimming, particularly around trees. Where appropriate we will plant more bulbs and locally grown native plants and trees.

Why your views matter

Throughout 2022 we invite you to tell us your views via our public consultation, where you can comment on both the overall trials and on trial areas which matter most to you. You can view all of the trial sites here.

The purpose of this consultation is to listen to your views on our plans for each of the sites,  At the end of the trial period we will review the trials both as a whole and on a site by site basis. This will allow us to plan how best we can support nature in future years. 

What happens next

The purpose of this consultation is to listen to your views on our plans for each of the sites,  At the end of the trial period we will review the trials both as a whole and on a site by site basis. This will allow us to plan how best we can support nature in future years.

If you have offered to help, thank you and we will be in touch soon to take that forward.


  • All Perth & Kinross


  • Community Councils
  • Community Groups/Organisations
  • Environmental Groups
  • Rural Communities
  • Any Audience
  • Elected Members
  • All Residents of Perth and Kinross


  • Climate Change
  • Parks and Green Spaces
  • Public Space
  • Volunteering