The Big Place Conversation – Let’s Talk Transport

Closed 11 Jun 2023

Opened 28 Apr 2023

Feedback updated 31 May 2024

We asked

  1. To what extent do you agree/disagree that the report explains why we need a Mobility Strategy for Perth and Kinross?
  2. To what extent do you agree/disagree that the report provides adequate information about how people and goods move around in Perth and Kinross?
  3. To what extent do you agree/disagree that the report identifies the key problems and opportunities across our existing transport network?
  4. Are there any other suggestions that you think you should mention regarding the emerging Mobility Strategy?

You said

The Let’s Talk Trasport report received 67 responses and shown positive support to our report and its presented evidence. This information was used to inform the draft Mobility Strategy, which got committee approval at the begingin of May 2024.

We did

  1. Strong support was visible for the need to develop a Mobility Strategy, backed by evidence. This evidence influenced the development of the draft Mobility Strategy. After receiving feedback, more emphasis has been placed on addressing climate concerns and emissions in the draft.
  2. Information was shared in a simple, non-technical manner with complete transparency regarding the links and sources of each dataset. This approach was well-received in the feedback, so it has been consistently used throughout the development of the Mobility Strategy.
  3. Overall, there was evident support for addressing the issues and opportunities outlined in the report. However, some gaps were identified and taken into consideration during the development of the draft Mobility Strategy. Emphasis has been placed on costs, accessibility, and public transport, particularly within the formulated Objectives (also referred to as Transport Planning Objectives).
  4. A variety of comments and considerations have been incorporated into the development of the draft Mobility Strategy, which will soon be available for Public Consultation.

Results updated 30 May 2024

The Let’s Talk Trasport report received 67 responses and shown positive support to our report and its presented evidence. This information was used to inform the draft Mobility Strategy, which got committee approval at the begingin of May 2024.  


Our Transportation and Development Team would like you to share your thoughts and experiences on the transport network to help identify further problems and opportunities as presented in our Let’s Talk Transport, main issues report. This will allow us to develop a robust evidence base to inform the draft Mobility Strategy.

Why your views matter

We are currently developing a Mobility Strategy that will set out our vision for managing and developing the transport network over a minimum period of 10 years. The Mobility Strategy will consider all modes of transport for the movement of people and goods across Perth and Kinross’ rural and urban settings, to help achieve national targets and local objectives.

A clear and simple 3-stage approach will be used to deliver the Mobility Strategy.  

Stage 1:  Let’s Talk Transport (Main Issues Report) - Complete by Spring 2023  

Stage 2:  Develop Draft Strategy – Complete by Spring 2024 

Stage 3: Finalise the Mobility Strategy – Complete by late 2024 

The Let’s Talk Transport Report (stage 1), commonly known as a main issues report, was approved by the Council’s Environments, Infrastructure, and Economic Development Committee on 29th March 2023. The report will be used as evidence for the Mobility Strategy, alongside feedback gathered from public consultation. We are now seeking your feedback on the report which you can download here or read below.

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This early discussion on transport is part of a wider conversation named the Big Place Conversation, more information can be found here.

Please click in the box below to give your views in our short online survey. We are especially interested in feedback from everyday users of Perth and Kinross’ transport network, particularly residents, across all demographics. You can save your response at anytime and return to complete at your convenience.

An easy-read version of the report is available on request, using the contact details provided above.


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  • Anyone from any background


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  • Cycling and Walking
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  • Voluntary and Community Sector Organisations
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