Lease of Perth Museum (formerly known as Perth City Hall), St John’s Place, Perth, PH1 5SZ
Feedback updated 26 Apr 2024
We asked
For comments on the Lease of Perth Museum (formerly Perth City Hall) St John's Place, Perth by PKC to Culture Perth & Kinross.
You said
No comments were received.
We did
The lease was agreed.
Results updated 26 Apr 2024
There were no responses to this consultation.
Perth and Kinross Council propose to lease the property now known as and forming Perth Museum (formerly Perth City Hall), St John’s Place, Perth to Culture Perth & Kinross (Scottish Charity Number SC046353), a charitable trust. Culture Perth & Kinross operates as a company limited by guarantee and has, as its primary object, the advancement of the visual and applied arts, heritage and culture. The plan attached shows the location of Perth Museum and the extent of the area proposed to be leased. The area is outlined in red on the plan.
It is proposed that a lease be granted with the following terms: -
The Property will be leased at a date as yet to be agreed by the Council, following submission of a report to the Common Good Committee. The lease duration is for a period of 25 years, at a rent of £1.00 per annum.
Culture Perth & Kinross shall use the premises for the following purposes and for no other purpose or purposes whatsoever without the prior written consent of Perth & Kinross Council.
As a Museum, Art Gallery and Exhibition Centre with associated offices, conference facilities, meeting rooms, merchandising and sales outlet and ancillary facilities.
Provision of hospitality facilities (café/restaurant) including the use for events.
Provision of a retail shop.
Why your views matter
The property proposed to be leased has Common Good status and the Council is consulting as part of the requirement in the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 to capture the opinions of the community in the decision-making process. Please note that the content of any representations made, and the details of the party or parties making such representations, may appear in a publicly available report to the Perth Common Good Fund Committee of the Council.
If, following the consideration of any representations received in this consultation, the Council decides to proceed with the lease, it will be completed as soon as reasonably practicable.
What happens next
Once the feedback from this consultation has been collated, it will be used in the preparation of the report to the Perth Common Good Fund Committee regarding the granting of the lease to Culture Perth and Kinross. The results will then be made available on the Perth & Kinross Consultation Hub.
Any person may make representations either for or against the above proposal and that either by email to
Or in writing to
“Perth Museum Consultation”, Estates and Commercial Investment, Pullar House, 35 Kinnoull Street, Perth PH1 5GD
Representations must be made by no later than 5pm on 23 October 2023 and should state the grounds on which they are made. Please note that the content of any representations made and the details of the party or parties making such representations may appear in a publicly available report to the Common Good Committee of the Council.
- Ward 10 - Perth City South
- Ward 11 - Perth City North
- Ward 12 - Perth City Centre
- All Residents of Perth and Kinross
- Any Interest
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