Food Waste Survey #FoodWasteEqualsClimateChange

Closed 14 Feb 2022

Opened 14 Jan 2022


Reducing our Food Waste is a really easy way to do our bit to reduce climate change.  For the average household in Perth and Kinross, with 3 kerbside bins (blue, brown and green), one third of their general waste bin is filled with food waste – and a large proportion of this is still edible. 

To help and encourage householders to reduce the amount of avoidable food waste produced, and to assist householders in diverting unavoidable food waste from landfill, Perth & Kinross Council’s Waste Services Team is inviting people from across the Council area to complete this Food Waste Survey. 

This Survey will gather feedback about the types of food waste generated, the level of awareness around food waste reduction, options for food waste recycling and the impact of food waste on climate change.  Following the Survey, a Food Waste Reduction & Recycling Campaign will be delivered, consisting of various mini-Projects, across Perth and Kinross, for householders to take part in. 

Why your views matter

Food Waste is one of the most carbon intensive waste streams, but as well as having this impact on the environment, food waste also costs the householder money.  By working together to reduce food waste, householders across Perth and Kinross can save money and have a better quality of life. 

The Survey will identify what types of food waste are generated at home, what skills householders would like to develop to help them reduce food waste, and what barriers householders currently experience in recycling their food waste. 

Perth & Kinross Council’s Waste Services Team is running this online Survey (which is also available as a paper copy – please request via 01738 476476) and will work with the local community – in both urban and rural areas - to deliver a range of tailored mini-Projects to help householders reduce the amount of food waste generated, and to divert unavoidable food waste from landfill. 

What happens next

The survey results will help to shape a Food Waste Reduction & Recycling Project which will be delivered in early 2022. 


  • All Perth & Kinross


  • Community Groups/Organisations
  • Community Planning Partners
  • Education Institutions
  • Environmental Groups
  • PKC Employees
  • Rural Communities
  • Tenants and Residents Associations
  • Voluntary Groups/Organisations
  • Children and Young People
  • Council Tenants
  • Low Income Households
  • Minority Ethnic Groups
  • Students (Further Education)


  • Waste and Recycling
  • Climate Change