Get involved in shaping Perth and Kinross

Perth and Kinross Council and its partner organisation make decisions that affect our communities. That's why we want your thoughts and input to help with those decisions. Find all the opportunities to get involved here, and also the actions that are informed by your responses. Keep up to date with new engagement activity by subscribing to our mailing list and by following us on Facebook  or Twitter. Check out our climate change engagement activities page.

What else is happening?

Below are some of the other activities currently being run. Have your say here to help shape our future

Free Period Products in Perth and Kinross 2024/25

Free Period Products have been available in Perth and Kinross since 2018. This consulation calls for views on the current provision across the region and any improvements we can make to enhance the scheme, particularly in the areas of education and awareness.

Closes 19 July 2024

Draft Mobility Strategy

We would like you to share your thoughts on the Consultation Draft Mobility Strategy and Action Plan to help finalise the work prior to adoption.

Closes 28 July 2024

Proposed Lease of Part of the South Inch Pavilion building, the South Inch, Perth (a Common Good Property)

Perth and Kinross Council propose to lease the South Inch Pavilion to the Fair City Juniors Football Club, "the Tenant". A lease would enable the Tenant to adapt the building to create new changing facilities and to improve and develop the facilities for use in connection with the adjacent grass pitches on the South Inch. This proposal will not affect the café, which is operated under a separate Licence to Occupy. This is an opportunity...

Closes 9 August 2024

Proposed sale of woodland area at Wildwood, Stanley

A local resident and owner of an adjacent property (the “Enquiring Party”) has expressed interest in purchasing a Perth and Kinross Council owned 0.56 acre woodland site at Perth Road, Stanley, as set out on the plan below. The aim of this consultation is to allow the local community in Stanley to have their say on the future ownership of this site. We acquired the site in 1991 by way of a statutory conveyance. At present the site is held as a Community...

Closes 11 August 2024

Recently closed activities

Here you can find some of the activities that have been run over the last year. Take a look at what's been happening and find out how your feedback has helped to make a difference.

Proposed Lease, Area of Bus/Coach Spaces, South Inch Car Park, Perth

The Council has agreed terms in principle with Ember Core Limited for a lease of an area of the bus spaces in the South Inch Car park, Perth as a location to install a charging facility to support buses and routes running from Perth City Centre. The lease subjects are shown outlined in red on plan (D-P-103a) below. Ember Core Limited own and run electric intercity buses on routes from Dundee to Ediburgh but are looking at future expansion, including the potential...

Alyth NFM Study Community Event

Perth & Kinross Council has been carrying out a natural flood managment (NFM) study for the Alyth area and is seeking the views of the community on the draft outputs. Community drop-in sessions are being held on 28 and 30 May 2024 at the Alyth Town Hall (3-7pm). These event will allow the community to view and comment on the extensive work carried out as part of the Alyth NFM Study, including the best available understanding of flood risk in the catchment and the draft findings from the...

Rent Setting 2025/26 - Your Rent, Your Say, Your Priorities

Our rent setting process for 2025/26 starts here! It’s very important we understand what matters to you, our tenants, when it comes to how we invest in your homes and in the housing services we deliver for you. We would like you to let us know what your main priorities are when it comes to spending money on your housing services.

We Asked, You Said, We Did

Here are some of the issues we have consulted on and their outcomes. See all outcomes

We asked

We asked you to tell us what your priorities for rent spending were for 2025/26 across your Housing Services.

You said

Over 1,200 of our tenants responded, which is a record amount for this annual consultation.

You can view the results of the consultation below.

We did

The results were fed back to tenants who attended the Summer Tenants' Conference on June 27th 2024.

Further discussions were held at the event about the results and what services tenants want to see.

Your feedback will allow us to put together some rent level options for 2025/26 that will go out for consultation with tenants in November and December 2024. You will be able to vote for your preferred rent level during this consultation. 

The results on the rent level consultation will be included in a report to the Housing and Social Wellbeing Committee in January 2025, where a final decision on 2025/26 rent levels will be made.

We asked

We asked the Blairgowrie & Rattray community about:

  • the flood risk from surface water and the Rattray Burn
  • the findings of the Blairgowrie & Rattray SWMP
  • other actions to raise awareness and improve community flood resilience

You said

A significant volume of feedback was received and has been captured in a public consultation report. This feedback was generally positive and a number of different concerns/queries were raised. The Q&A report sets out the feedback received, and the Council's answers to the questions posed. 

We did

The Council will now update and finalise the Blairgowrie & Rattray SWMP and report the conclusions to the next available Climate Change and Sustainability Committee. Thereafter, the Council will implement the recommendations of the reports (subject to funding and any statutory approvals). The Council will carry out further consultation with the community as proposals are further developed.

We asked

As part of the requirement in the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 we have a duty to include the opinions of the community in the decision process when leasing any property which has Common Good status.

We asked whether or not the café at MacRosty Park pavilion should be leased out to a café operator.

You said

We received 108 responses from 10/01/2024 to 11/02/2024.

There were 101 responses in favour of using the facilities for a café, 3 responses provided other suggestions and 4 responses were not specific.

May be an image of 2 people and covered bridge

We did

After considering all of the views, we decided to lease the pavilion facilities to a café operator.

You can read more about our decision here New MacRosty Park cafe operators ready to welcome business and on our Facebook page

We asked

For comments on the proposed lease of a shop at 2 Noth Port, Perth.

You said

No comments were received.

We did

PKC proceeded with the proposed lease.

We asked

What our tenants thought the rent level increase should be for 2024/25, based on proposed investment in Housing Services and the financial pressures facing the Housing Revenue Account (HRA).

You said

A total of 2,944 tenants responded to the consultation – 36.7% of our tenants.

Over half - 58.6% - chose a 6% rent increase from the three options presented.

We did

As the majority of tenants preferred a 6% rent increase, this was proposed in a report to a meeting of the Housing and Social Wellbeing Committee on 24th January 2024.

Councillors accepted the proposal, and a 6% rent increase will come into effect from 1st April 2024.